Sunday, December 29, 2024

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Captain Matrix: Classroom Management Tool - Classroom Jobs”

by Mad Eye Moody Productions
5th - 8th Grade

This free resource will help you improve your classroom management – specifically, time management. This will also increase time on task. Create captain positions for daily, time-consuming tasks so that one student is in charge of each task. I have created a captain matrix for you to print and enlarge into a poster. There are two versions: color and black/white. I’ve also included a captain application for the positions. I rotated my captains every quarter. I used this system in my middle school classroom and it worked beautifully. The poster might be a bit much for high schoolers, but the concept will still work well. Having a student assigned to a specific task saves so much time – especially the “errand captain.” Whenever the office would call down for someone to come get something, I would have kids fighting over who would get to go, and I’d always feel badly because I didn’t vary who I picked often enough. Having an errand captain solved that. Elementary teachers do this kind of thing all the time, but it works really well at all levels.

The captains on this matrix are Absent Captain, Materials Captain, Paper Captain, Errand Captain, and Stand-In Captain

The product is in .pdf. I hope you enjoy!

If you decide to download, please leave a comment about this product. Thank you for your business and feedback.

This product is available as part of my classroom management super bundle:

Classroom Management Super Bundle

Here are other classroom management tools you may find helpful:

Classroom posters for classroom management middle grades and secondary

Negative Behavior Documentation Kit

No Questions Asked Hall Passes

Parent Contact Kit

Positive Phrases for Teachers

Reflection Sheet Kit time out

Student contract behaviors rules expectations

Student kept Behavior Checklists

White Board Procedures Poster

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