"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

FREE MISC. LESSON - “FREE Trivia Review Game Template - Works for Any Class or Subject!”

by Creating History
Kindergarten - 12th Grade

An active and fun game to start off class with or to end the day. The game involves lots of moving around as well as critical thinking skills. This especially benefits those bodily-kinesthetic learners.

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The game will work for younger and older grades.

This Powerpoint template can be easily modified. All you need to do is input data that fits your class; everything else is already done (eg. attractive design and neat animations)!

How the game works:

  • On the screen the students will see a slide with four boxes. In each of the boxes there will be a statement - only one statement is correct.
  • There are four options for how to run this with your class.
  • For each slide students will read the statements and then go to the letter in the classroom that correlates to the correct statement.
  • When the teacher advances the slide the correct box will be revealed.

You can use this template for any class! Additional modifications included within the game.

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