by English with Ease
Pre-Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
This is a free preview of my complete preschool math curriculum containing 150+ early math printable activities to teach all 25 preschool Math skills that children need to master for preschool and kindergarten readiness.
Preview my Complete Preschool Math Curriculum.
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Counting and Numbers
1. Count in sequence up to 20
2. Count to 100 by ones and tens
3. Recognize and name written numerals 1-10
4. Put numerals 1-10 in order and identify before/after numbers
5. Count forward beginning from a given number (instead of 1)
6. 1:1 correspondence: Count objects using one number for each (understand 3 means 3 objects)
7. Given a number from 1-20, count out that many objects
8. Recognize four objects in a group without counting
Addition and Subtraction
9. Add and subtract objects up to 10 using objects/drawings to represent simple word problems
10. Decompose numbers up to 10 and record each decomposition with objects/drawing/equation
11. Compose and decompose numbers from 11 to 19 into tens and ones
12. Recognize coins and count pennies
Compare and Contrast
13. Compare two groups of objects using the words more and less
14. Compare two numerals between 1 and 10, using greater and less than symbols
15. Identify same and different (size, shape, color, two pictures that are alike)
16. Match things that go together (fork and spoon, moon and sun)
17. Find the differences in two pictures
18. Understand position and direction terms
19. Describe the height, length and weight of an object.
20. Compare and contrast height, length and weight of different objects.
21. Identify, describe, analyze and compare basic and advanced 2-D and 3-D shapes
22. Model shapes and lines through drawing and different components (sticks, string, clay)
23. Compose and decompose simple shapes to form larger shapes (2 triangles make a rectangle)
24. Understand sequence terms (first, second, last) and put three pictures in order
25. Recognize and repeat simple and advanced patterns
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