Thursday, November 30, 2023

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Free Social Story My Way is OK for Students in Inclusion Settings”

by Susan Berkowitz
2nd - 12th Grade

This is a 22 page booklet for special education students who spend time in general education classes. It reminds students who are included in general education classes that is it ok if they need to do things differently from their peers, and helps them to feel ok about the modifications and accommodations that are made for them.

The pages can be cut apart and bound into a small book.

It was originally written for a third grader who steadfastly refused to have modifications made for him or to do things differently from the rest of the class.

But he isn’t the only student I’ve seen who has had this response in a general ed class. So, I am hoping you may have a student who can benefit from this story, too.

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