Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Wednesday Weekly 5 under $5 - 11/30/2022


Every week I put together a list of 5 great products from members of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative (TBOTEMC) with the requirement that each product must be less than $5.  With a variety of subjects and a wide range of grades, there just might be something that you can use, so continue to read below and see!

In addition, if you're a seller on Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) who would like to get more information about joining TBOTEMC, contact me via email at or by simply leaving a comment on this blog post.

Perimeter Worksheets and Task Cards - $2.25

by My Creative Maths
4th - 6th grades
Worksheets, Printables, Task Cards

These perimeter worksheets and task cards can be used when teaching perimeter or when doing revision before a test. Great for classwork, early finishers, centers or homework. Worksheets cover counting sides, using the formula for a square and rectangle, finding the unknown side and word problems.

Beginning Blends Activities & Worksheets for 3 - Letter Blends - $4.95

by Primarily Learning
K - 2nd grades
Worksheets, Homeschool Curricula, Activities

Learning 3-Letter Blends can be challenging for young learners. Use these 12 activities to help students at varying ability levels study 3-Letter Beginning Consonant Blends. Units of sound are marked to align with programs like Jolly Phonics. Save time! Use the ready-to-go 3-Letter Blend Word Work Activities to get the extra practice they need!

Common Misspelled Words Crossword Puzzle $1.49

by Reading Spotlight
7th - 10th grades

Great spelling practice in a different format! This research-based crossword puzzle includes 90 words that are often misspelled, even by adults. Help your students improve both spelling and writing by utilizing these words as spelling words and by using the puzzle anytime. Perfect for homework, seatwork, and learning centers. 

by Mickey's Place
K - 2nd grades
Activities, Games

Boom Cards: Action Verbs Sentence Completion is a wonderful way for Kindergarten and First-grade students to practice grammar skills while completing sentences.
Each of the 40 slides has an action verb GIF which illustrates the activity for the sentence completion. Great for distance learning.

December STEM Bingo for Middle School and High School - $2.50

by All-American Teacher Tools 
6th - 10th grades 
Centers, games

This December Bingo game features a STEM accomplishment for every day of the month.  The call list tells what happened and when, plus a link to more information.  There are 30 unique sheets for all of your students. The EASEL version has moveable star markers so you don't need to find chips or make pieces of paper to cover the bingo board! When you're done with this, check out my STEM bingo cards for all the other months of the year!

As always, I encourage comments and any ideas or suggestions by emailing me at

Renee Heiss

All-American Teacher Tools
Check out my Store

FREE SCIENCE LESSON - “10 Tips for Better Sleep PowerPoint”

by PE Buddy
7th - 12th Grade

This animated PowerPoint outlines 10 scientifically-back methods for getting better sleep. It includes useful images, diagrams information and statistics. This can fit into any unit studying 'Sleep.'

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Tuesday, November 29, 2022

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Christmas BOOM CARDS Free | Christmas Sight Words”

by Teacher Tam
Kindergarten - 1st Grade

Your students will LOVE decorating the tree with sight words! Students will click on the sound icon to hear the sight word. Then, they will find the 5 ornaments with that word and drag them to decorate the Christmas tree. This deck covers all 52 of the Primer Dolch sight words. I hope your students will enjoy this deck!

As always, your feedback is greatly appreciated!

CLICK HERE to play a preview!

*****Just download the PDF and click on the link found on page 2 to grab your resource!*****

*****READ MORE ABOUT BOOM CARDS™: Boom Cards™ are self-grading, DIGITAL resources. They live in the cloud. They can't be printed. They play on most modern browsers, Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. You open a Boom Learning℠ account to play them (to protect the children). Create Fast Play pins to assign your Boom Cards™ to students.

Boom Learning℠ also has premium accounts. Premium accounts offer advanced assignment tools, individual and whole class performance tracking, and more. If you are a new Boom Learning customer, when you redeem your Boom Cards™ purchase you get 90-day free trial of a premium account. When your trial ends, you can renew or move to a free account. You may upgrade, downgrade or cancel at any time. Free accounts use purchased Boom Cards with Fast Play pins.

***Did you know??? You can use Boom Cards™ in Google Classroom™! Just CLICK HERE to find out how!

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Go to for even more free products!

Monday, November 28, 2022

FREE MATH LESSON - “Counting to 10 Christmas Math Activity.”

by 123 Math

Enjoy playing this interactive whiteboard counting to 10 activity (powerpoint). Count the presents and then choose the correct number. Also included are counting to 10 number cards. Just match the numerals to the quantities. (3 pages)

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Sunday, November 27, 2022

FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON - “14 Blank Historical Maps - Prehistory and Ancient History”

by History with Eve
8th - 10th Grade

This activity includes 14 different assignments and it is suitable for students of all ages. These blank maps will serve you as a great additional material when teaching Prehistory and Ancient Greece and Roman History. It will enhance students creativity, help them to learn how to use historical maps and track changes in different historical regions during the time.

Maps can be used for individual or group work, reviews and homeworks.

You might also be interested in the 19 Blank Historical Maps - From Middle Ages to 20th century

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Customer Tips:

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:

Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you'll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases.

value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you.

Join The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative at
and get THOUSANDS OF PAGE VIEWS for your TpT products!

Go to for even more free products!

Saturday, November 26, 2022

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Word Wall Letters - Lions”

by Kindergarten is Grrreat
Kindergarten - 5th Grade

This is a complete set of Word Wall Letters. These letters are lion themed! Great for a safari, jungle, or zoo themed room.

Just print, laminate, and put on your wall for a fun display!

Check out my Zebra Word Wall Letters as well!

Have a grrreat day!

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Friday, November 25, 2022

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Elf Speech Therapy Freebie”

by Mrs H's Speech Therapy Room
Pre-Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

This is a great resource that can target many speech and language therapy goals on one page.

  • positional concepts
  • prepositions in context
  • answering where questions
  • responding in complete sentences
  • expanding utterances
  • vocabulary enrichment

This free sample includes 3 pages in both color and black and white. An answer key is provided.

Digital Tool Compatibility: This resource can be adapted to be sent via Google Classroom. The TpT Digital Tool will allow you to select specific pages to assign to your students through Google Classroom. It will also allow students to circle the correct answer with the pen or highlighter tool and submit the work to you. Please check out my free resource HERE to understand the capabilities of the new Digital Tool :)

For more preposition practice : Click HERE

Follow Mrs H's Speech Therapy Room to be notified of sales, freebies, and new products!! This is the way to know when the next edition is published :)

► EARN FREE STUFF!!! Please also come back to the product page and provide feedback about how this resource helps your students. By providing feedback you will earn TpT credits that you can use on future resources :)

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Thursday, November 24, 2022

FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON - “U.S. Regions - Alaska and Hawaii Collaborative Posters”

by Tied 2 Teaching
3rd - 7th Grade

This Regions of the United States Research Collaborative Poster activity lets students work together to display their learning about Alaska and Hawaii Collaborative research poster activities are so much fun because they combine group work, with creativity, color and so much fun!

This collaborative U.S. regions social studies project includes 2 state collaborative research poster activities that can be displayed separately or placed together to form a large collaborative poster mural.

Print one time, break out the crayons and colored pencils, and watch your students work together like never before. Collaborative posters are great for teaching kids that each one of us only plays a part . . . but collectively we all make up something beautiful!



I hope this year is the most BEAUTIFUL AND COLORFUL year yet for you and your students!


We welcome all questions or comments! Please feel free to e-mail us at!


Look for the green star at the top of the page next to my store logo. Click it to become a follower. When you do this, you’ll receive customized email updates about Tied 2 Teaching, and information about sales and new products!


To earn TPT credits to use on future purchases:

Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you'll see a Provide Feedback button. When you click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. You can check your credit balance in your TpT Credit Balance page. Every 100 Credits is worth $5 that you can apply towards future TpT purchases in my store, or any TpT store. I value and appreciate your feedback!


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Go to for even more free products!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Teacher Talk - November 2022


We hope you enjoy these latest teaching tips from our Teacher Talk bloggers.  Members of Teacher Talk are a part of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative.  

If you are interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs, blogging buddies, and/or our blog linky party, go to  Join The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative and see how you can take your TpT store to the next level. 


Recipes For the Holiday Season

By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning

Enjoy these recipes for teacher self care, recipes for the holiday season, and a recipe for a calm and successful classroom.  


Believe It or Not

By Gini Musmanno of Reading Spotlight

Who knows what to believe anymore? When it comes to the internet, many folks, young and old, have difficulty figuring out what is true and what is not, especially with technology now being able to change the appearance of reality. It is important for Language Arts teachers to educate themselves and their students about internet and news literacy because critical thinking in the age of the internet is one of the most important educational goals we can pursue.


What is a Left Angle?

By Vicky Rauch of Go Figure!

Geometry is probably my favorite part of math to teach because it is so visual; plus, the subject lends itself to doing many hands-on activities, even with my college students.  When our unit on points, lines and angles is finished, it is time for the unit test. Almost every year I ask the following question:  “What is a left angle?”   Much to my chagrin, some of the responses I have received over the years are bizarre besides being mathematically untrue. For a good laugh, read some of them in my newest blog post.


What Makes a Good Teacher?

By Hernan Giannini of Ready to Teach Bilinguals


What makes a good teacher? This is an interesting question teachers should ask before teaching.


The Value of Project-Based Learning for Only Children

By Renee Heiss of All-American Teacher Tools 

What is the role of the only child in your group projects? You may be surprised to learn that those children have unique characteristics in a group situation.


Tis the Season

By Charlene Tess of Books by Charlene Tess 

Tis the Season to teach your students to vary their sentence patterns.


6 Easy Classroom Management Strategies That Work

By Marcy Howe of It’s a Teacher Thing

Learn 6 easy classroom management strategies for creating a productive classroom setting and building relationships with students.


The Holidays - For The Classroom

By Michelle Webb of Teaching Ideas 

For Those Who Love Teaching

Get your class ready for the holidays with these fun activities and crafts.
