Tuesday, March 31, 2020

FREE MATH LESSON - “Graphics in April”

by Fun monkey bars
1st - 2nd Grade

On April 24 is National Teach your children to Save Day. Teach the students to save playing a dice game and learning about graphics.

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Monday, March 30, 2020

No Prep Picture Scenes for Distance Learning

By Kathy Babineau
Grades Pre-K - 3

10 Open-ended no print picture scenes:  (pond, beach, undersea, winter, classroom, bathroom, kitchen, playroom, living room, doghouse)
10 black/white pages listing vocabulary, suggested questions, and extension activities for each page.

For use in teletherapy, simply screen share and use for gathering language samples, describing tasks, answering questions, following directions and more.  These pages may also be printed and used in direct sessions. This is designed to be a very open-ended resource for you to use as you need with your students.  These picture scenes are not interactive.  Rather they are intended to give a visual reference for you and your students to use, and are easy to share as a pdf document in a variety of screen sharing platforms.
I sincerely hope you enjoy this product and find it helpful in working with your students.
Kathy Babineau

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FREE MISC. LESSON - “FREEBIE - Visible Thinking - SEE THINK WONDER ~ Miss Mac Attack”

by Jemma McVeigh
Pre-Kindergarten - 6th Grade

The ‘See Think Wonder’ thinking routine encourages students to make careful observations and thoughtful interpretations. It helps stimulate curiosity and sets the stage for inquiry.

This pack includes:

Visual posters of the steps for this thinking routine
- 3 X posters
- 2 X mini step posters for board and student tables

- 1 X writing activity sheet
- 1 X See Think Wonder chart

This pack will assist you with any inquiry topics and is a great visual for your students!

Jemma :)

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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Reading Spotlight

Making 2020 lemonade here: Now is the perfect time for reading books independently and writing stories. Check out these two FREE products to improve reading and writing motivation. Great help for home schooling! Story Grid and Independent Reading Packet

FREE SCIENCE LESSON - “Blank Moon Phases Calendar Freebie”

by She Teaches Littles
Pre-Kindergarten - 6th Grade

Watch the moon change each night and color in the shape!
This calendar offers up to 35 days to record the moon phases. Draw in the shape of the current moon and shade the rest. Enjoy watching and recording the patterning of the moon!
Black & white plus color versions included!
Remember when you rate products you've purchased, you earn TpT credit towards future purchases! I'd love your feedback!
{She Teaches Littles}
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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Ideas to Keep You Safe During the Coronavirus Pandemic

I am now finding new ways to do things during the coronavirus pandemic for the simple reason that if my husband gets COVID-19, I am the only person to take care of him and if I get sick, my sweetheart will be the only person who can take care of me.  If we both get sick, then we will both be in big trouble...

So here are some ideas that I have thought about to try and help us not spread the virus to each other.  Some of you may think I am going a little too far, but as they say, in an abundance of caution, I would rather do these things than not do it during the coronavirus pandemic…

  • I have added a basket of washcloths in our bathroom so that my husband and I will use a washcloth once and then put it in a container by our trashcan.  I use washcloths instead of hand towels because it takes up less space in the washing machine.  There is a similar basket in my kitchen for our dish towels.
  • I have put ties on the refrigerator and freezer door handles.  My husband opens the doors the usual way with the handles and I open the doors with the ties.  
  • If we ever go out of the house, we put on our “go out” shoes and then leave them by the door when we return.  We then put on our “stay in” shoes or slippers when we are inside of the house.  
  • I wear a mask every time I go outside and put it directly into the washing machine or laundry hamper when I return home.  
  • I wear glasses whenever I am awake so that I will not get the coronavirus inadvertently by touching my eyes.
  • We use separate toiletries such as our own toothpaste, soap, shampoo, etc.
  • At night, I go through the house spraying all of the doorknobs, sinks, toilets, trash cans, laundry hamper, etc. so that we start fresh for the new day.
  • We are fortunate to have double sinks in our bathroom, so my husband washes his hands in the left sink and I use the right sink.  
  • My husband stays in our bedroom and I am in the guest bedroom.  (Some of you may think this is extreme, though I would rather socially separate myself from my sweetheart for a few weeks than be physically separated from him forever if one of us were to die from the coronavirus...)  
Do you have an idea or ideas that may also help others during this pandemic?  If so, please add it to the comments section.  If you are a seller-author at Teachers Pay Teachers, you may also add a link to one of your products which may help all of the parents who are trying to teach their children now that so many schools are closed.  You may post your ideas in the comments section at my blog at http://www.thebestofteacherentrepreneurs.net/2020/03/ideas-to-keep-you-safe-during.html and/or my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TheBestOfTeacherEntrepreneurs/photos/a.410587725741700/1925209380946186/?type=3&theater.

Disclaimer:  I am not an expert on the coronavirus, but I would rather tell you all of the ways that I am trying to safeguard my family than not write this post.  I am also allowing others to share the ways that they have changed their habits at home during the pandemic even though they may not be experts in the medical field.  I am just hoping that you may get one or more practical ideas that you may use to stay safe and healthy during the coronavirus pandemic. 


Please SHARE this post and you may help save someone's life...  We are all in this together...

Sending prayers from California,

LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - Read & Write Emergent Readers EASTER

by: Laurie Fyke @ Primarily LearningKindergarten-Grade One

Easter will soon be here!!! 

Check out these diverse Easter Emergent Readers where kids read and write to create their own booklet. What do your students need? Choose to cut and paste, write, draw and/or color. Share your finished Emergent Reader with a friend. (Kindergarten, 1st Grade).   

  • Learn and review 13 high-frequency sight words
                         · a
                         · and
                         · big
                         · can
                         · I
                         · jump
                         · on
                         · see
                         · the
                         · we
                         · find
                         · little
                         · will
  • Work with phonics.
  • Learn to read and spell new words.
  • Illustrate your story.
  • Cut and paste your story.
  • Write about it! 
  • Read your story to a friend! 

You might also like:

CVC Picture Sorts and Word Work BUNDLE

Sequencing Events - 7 Tasks (Set1) 

I Can Read and Write Emergent Readers (Books 7-12) Open Dyslexic Font

Have fun learning!

Laurie @

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As always, please contact me with any questions!

Thank you so much,

Laurie Fyke @ Primarily Learning
Teach – Play – Learn


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FREE MATH LESSON - “What’s Missing”

by Differentiated Delights
Kindergarten - 1st Grade

Students practice their number skills by filling in the missing numbers. Many different versions all in one product.
1-2 numbers after a given number
1-2 numbers before a given number
Number between two given numbers
Number before and number after a given number
And one page that combines all the above

One purchase, one product. Use it to appropriately challenge each of you students.

Looking for other early math activities? Check out
Ten Frame Dice Activity
Dice Roll Counting Activity

Find even more in my store!

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Friday, March 27, 2020

FREE MATH LESSON - “Challenge Beast! Simplifying Polynomials Exponent Rules Math Common Core 8.EE.1”

by Piece of Pi
7th - 10th Grade

My 8th graders love these Bonus Beasts! This challenge problem is one of many I'll use at the end of a busy week. My students compete to see which class period gets the most correct responses. It's evolved into a weekly game!

This would also be great for quick enrichment/review for middle school & Algebra students.

Product Contents:
1. Cover sheet with description of the common core math standard
2. Challenge problem (2 on the sheet for ease of copying.)
3. Answer key

If you like this, check out my Books of Beasts!
Meet the Polynomial Beasts #1-5
Book of Beasts: Polynomial and PEMDAS Challenges

In the mood for an amusement park? Check this out:
Polynomial Palooza Theme Park

Check out my other Algebra Polynomial Products - Great for quick formative assessments:
Polynomials Bundle
Polynomials: Multiply, Divide, Evaluate
Polynomials: Classify, Add, Subtract

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