"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

We teach So Hard...Episode 30... Standardized Testing and Your Sanity

 It's getting to be that time of year. Test prep... test prep... TEST PREP! You know what we're talking about, don't you? The testing manual says it should take an hour to complete the test, and it takes three hours. Nothing says, "I need a drink" like testing days.

In this episode, we bitch and moan, share tips and tricks, and we laugh and cry a little, too.
Listen to this instead of chewing your nails down to the quick!

Listen on iTunes click here
Don't have iTunes click image below...
 Like what you hear? Then you HAVE to check out our blogs.
We share umpteen million years of teaching wisdom, tips, tricks and freebies. Check us out!

Tracy @ http://mossyoakmusings.blogspot.com/  
Kathie @ https://www.triedandtrueteachingtools.com/
Retta @ http://rainbowcitylearning.blogspot.com/  
Deann @ https://socrateslantern.com/

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