"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Monday, January 7, 2019

January Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

It's 2019! Time sure flies. We have some great ideas for you in our January edition of Teacher Talk. So hurry on over to see what these creative educators are doing this month.

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Success Begins with Baby Steps

Are you one of those people who starts the new year with the intention of making goals for yourself but never quite follow through? If you said yes, you're in the majority, statistics show that only 8% of the people who make goals keep them. Why do so many of us, me included, fail at goal setting?
Culturally Responsive Teaching
 Is your classroom culturally responsive? This post might surprise you!
Tried & True Bookmaking: Poof Book
By Kathie Yonemura of Tried and True Teaching Tools 
 There's nothing like making a book to get students excited! They oooh and aaah, as if it is magic! This blog post is the first in a series: Tried and True Bookmaking. 
 How To Respond to Incorrect Answers
By Gini Musmanno of Reading Spotlight
 Have you ever wondered if there is a helpful way to respond to students’ incorrect answers— a way that will improve not only their comprehension, but also their mindfulness when they are reading and participating in class discussions? Here are some constructive tactics to use in replying to incorrect answers.
 How Do Velcro Dots Help to Regulate Behavior
By Margo Gentile of Margo Gentile 
 This was a spontaneous last resort behavior mod intervention that was really effective! Whatever works!
 THE MYSTERIOUS CASE OF ZERO, The Exponent- Why Any Number to the Zero Power Equals One
By Vicki Rauch of Scipi 
 Sometimes my college students like to ask me what seems to be a difficult question. (In reality, they want to play Stump the Teacher.) One such infamous question is, "Why is any number to the zero power one?" Find out how I showed them that the answer is always one using patterns.
 Goal Setting for the New Year: One Word
By Lisa Robles of LisaTeachR's Classroom
 Be intentional! Choose one word to focus your year.

 Be My Valentine Treats
By Charlene Tess of Charlene Tess 
 Here are a free Valentine's Day lesson idea and a free activity to help your students correct run-on sentences.
 Hook Your Students in Writing
By Sally Hansen of Purposeful Plans 

The hook isn’t just the attention getter at the beginning of an essay. Get your students interested in the type of essay by playing an activity before you teach!
Roses are Red: Using Poetry in Reader's Workshop
By Tracy Willis of Mossy Oak Musings 
 Poetry + Reader's Workshop = Common Core & Complex Text! It's a winning equation. If you're not using poetry in your reader's workshop, you're missing out on some phenomenal learning opportunities. This post is chocked full of ideas to help you incorporate poetry 
into your workshop.
 5 Easy Ways to Implement Differentiation Into Your Classroom
By Marcy Howe of It's a Teacher Thing 
 We all want to help every student succeed. Learn 5-easy ways you can start implementing differentiation in your classroom today.

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