"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Monday, December 31, 2018

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Martin Luther King, Jr. Poem for Young Learners”

by Teaching With Style
Kindergarten - 3rd Grade

Do you love to teach with poetry? This original MLK poem will help your students learn the message of Dr. King! 

Poetry is a great way to build fluency and vocabulary. Students love poetry because it’s easy to remember and fun! 

Here is our routine for teaching weekly poems:
•Write the poem on chart paper and introduce whole group, on the carpet. 
•First, read the poem in entirety to the students.
•Then, have the students echo you, line-by-line.
•Practice reading the poem altogether and in pairs.
•Write the poem on two sets of sentence strips for a pocket chart center. Cut up one set of the sentence strips word-by-word. The students practice reading the poem, then they match the words to the full poem in the pocket chart.
•Last, pass out the paper version of the poem. Have students sketch what they learned and highlight important words in the poem. Glue the poems in their poetry books or reading interactive journals for students to go back and re-read to build fluency and understanding.

If you liked this freebie, please check out my blog, Teaching With Style, to find more ideas and inspiration!

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