"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Monday, April 16, 2018

April Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

It's April already, the school year is almost over. Easter and Passover have come an gone, now it's time to look forward toward spring vacation if it hasn't already come and gone. Stop by our blog linky and see what great tips and advice are there just for you.

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April Activities Just for You
By Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern
Turning my thoughts to sunny days and warmer weather!!! Can’t you just smell spring in the air? Daffodils beginning to bloom, Lilac trees starting to flower, and Lilies of the Valley popping up. I just love the aroma. Not only is my birthday in April but it brings us Passover, Easter, and one that you may never have heard of, can you guess? If you said Jelly Bean Day, you’d be right.  I don’t know about you, but I looove jelly beans. They come in so many awesome flavors, no I don’t like the black ones, but I had an aunt who used to love them.
STEAM: From Sandbox to Spectacular
By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning
How to take your STEM activities to the nextlevel for upper elementary students.

By Gini Musmanno of The Reading Spotlight
A message to Myself: My tone of voice has a greater influence on children than I might think. Remember the time...
By Lisa Robles of LisaTeachR's Classroom
Learn about C-Stem and tools for coding!
The Hidden Curriculum
By Michelle Webb of Teaching Ideas for Those Who Love Teaching
Finding books to read with your class that tell more than a single story.
The Teacher's Role in Classroom Book Clubs
By Marcy Howe of It's a Teacher Thing
Simplify using classroom book clubs by understanding the role of the teacher on meeting day. Learn key tips to ensure your classroom book clubs will run smoothly.
Now that you've come to the bottom of the page, make sure you hop on over to read the rest of the posts in our April Teacher Talk.

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