"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Friday, March 2, 2018

FREE Critical Thinking with Pattern Blocks Activity

Looking for a fun critical thinking activity to challenge your students' thinking about shapes? 

Pattern blocks. I know what you’re thinking. When you inherited your classroom, there were gobs of these random shapes, maybe even a few buckets of them. You thought to yourself, “What am supposed to do with these? We only teach geometry and shapes for three weeks!” Well, did you know that pattern blocks can be used for more than just your three-week geometry unit? Pattern blocks can be used all year long!

The "What's the Common Attribute" activity involves critical thinking with pattern blocks. This activity can be used year-round and makes a great starter activity, especially during that three-week geometry unit. The only prerequisite skills needed are some basic vocabulary terms related to shapes, e.g. sides, angles, congruent, equal. 

Here’s how the activity works:

1. Display the puzzler on a large dry-erase board or wall.
2. Ask the students, “What’s the common attribute?”
3. Provide think time.
4. Ask students to “turn and talk” to a shoulder partner, face partner, neighbor, or classmate to discuss the answer.
5. Have students share their responses with the class.

Click here or on the image above to grab a free copy of my "What's the Common Attribute" pack. It includes 5 puzzlers to use with your students. It also includes a solution guide. Enjoy!

Want to know more? 
Head on over to The Routty Math Teacher website and check out my "Critical Thinking with Pattern Blocks" series. Read it here!


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