"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Sunday, February 25, 2018

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Scripts: Easter package 1”

by Kathleen Applebee
3rd - 12th Grade

Bundle contains 10 reader's theater scripts (from Mark 14-16), 2 monologues, 2 short skits and 6 one act plays in one Zip file.

*The Meaning Of Easter Interview (characters: 5, run time: 1-2 minutes) Ace news reporter interviews people on the street who think Easter is all about chocolate bunnies, new outfits or a big ham dinner until he meets Jesus

*Alien at Easter (characters: 6, one is a child, as many extras as wanted.) Run time: 1-2 minutes) An alien visit at Easter wondering what the holiday is all about.

*Roman soldier monologue (Run time: 2 minutes) The soldier at the cross who has witnessed many crucifixions can’t get the words “Father, forgive them” out of his head.

*Mizpah (characters: 2, one offstage voice, runtime: 14 minutes) Follows the meeting and lives of best buds Dexios and Ehud, zealots at the time of Christ. One becomes a believer, the other remains a skeptic, even as they are crucified on either side of Jesus.

* The Crucifixion Coronation compares the Roman Imperial Triumph celebration and parade to Jesus’ journey to the cross. Jesus is revealed as both King of Kings and the Son of God. Two versions: skit and a monologue with run times of 3-4 minutes.

*Last Supper Servant (Based on Luke 22 and John 13, 14, this five scene script can be used for just Jesus washing his disciples’ feet (scenes 1-3) and/or instituting the Lord’s Supper.

*Nick and Joe (characters: 2, Run time 10 minutes) As they prepare Christ’s body for burial, Nicodemus and Joseph remember their interactions with Jesus and regret keeping their faith a secret.

* Three Wives and the Resurrection (3 characters, 6 minutes), The Resurrection According to Joseph and Caiaphas ( 2 males, 5 minutes) and The Cover Up of the Resurrection (2 females, 5 minutes) All three essentially give evidence that the resurrection really occurred.

Check out other Easter freebies
Christ the Shepherd, Christ the King
Christ the Servant, Christ the King
The Last Supper
Nick and Joe 

Easter choral reading 1
Easter choral reading 2
Easter graphics free & copyright free

Free Christian drama resources at Fools for Christ 
Free interactive Bible games

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