"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

FREE MISC. LESSON - “FREE Metric System Formative Assessment Response Cards”

by UtahRoots
5th - 8th Grade

These metric system formative assessment response cards will make formative assessment during your metrics unit quick, easy, and remarkably thorough and they are incredibly low prep! They’re free, so there’s absolutely no reason to not give them a try. You’ll find that they are the lowest prep but most thorough method of formative assessment you’ve ever used. 

Response cards are a fabulous formative assessment method for many reasons. In any class there are students who typically don’t respond to oral questioning. They might be painfully shy, or fear being wrong, or not speak English well and avoid embarrassment by never participating. So what happens when you ask questions while you are teaching a lesson? You find out what one student knows. Or you find out what the volunteers know. But you don’t find out what everyone knows.

With response cards, every student is required to participate and you will know what every student knows. You will know which students need more help. And you’ll know it the minute you ask the question, without any need to correct dozens of quizzes or homework assignments. You’ll know it while you are still teaching, so you can correct the misunderstandings that same class period. Response cards will save you time and make you a more responsive teacher. 

Just give them a try. This set includes all the abbreviations and topic vocabulary you’ll need for basic metric concepts as well as record keeping forms to help you monitor progress. And if you like them, you might want to try my full set of 124 response cards that will work with any unit you teach. Click here to see them:

Response Cards for Easy Formative Assessment in Any Subject

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