"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Monday, November 6, 2017

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Introduction to Bullying Gallery Walk H.O.T. Questions”

by The Creative Classroom
6th - 9th Grade

Are you looking for a way to get your secondary students moving and collaborating while discussing a real world topic? Look no further than this introduction activity that is designed to get students thinking and talking about bullying and what it looks like at their school. This FREE resource contains 5 Gallery Walk signs that include a H.O.T. question for students to reflect upon their experiences with bullying and ways that they can work together to stop bullying at their school.

Here's all you have to do to get this activity set up in your own classroom:

1. Print out all five posters (laminate the posters for added durability)

2. Place each poster on a piece of chart paper in a designated spot in your room.

3. Let your students go in groups to the question to read and answer the reflection question.

4. Students can leave their responses on a sticky note on the chart paper.

5. Give students a chance to discuss their responses with their group members or the whole class.


Please be sure to download the preview file to see exactly what you are getting when you purchase this product! 

Created by Stephanie M. Icenogle, The Creative Classroom © 2017 
All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only. 

Check out these other Bullying resources from The Creative Classroom:

☞ Take A Stand Against Bullying DIGITAL Banners and Mini-Research Project

☞ Take A Stand Against Bullying Banners and Mini-Research Project

☞ Take A Stand Against Bullying DIGITAL Bell Ringers

☞ Take A Stand Against Bullying DIY Interactive Bulletin Board

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