"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Thursday, May 4, 2017

FREE MATH LESSON - “FREE! Common Core Mathematical Practice MP5 (Math Tools) Infographic Poster”

by PrepToon - Math Animations
Kindergarten - 12th Grade

Common Core Standards Posters

Print and use this FREE detailed and color Infographic Poster to see AT A GLANCE how to implement Common Core Mathematical Practice Standard - MP5 - "Using appropriate tools strategically".

It answers the following questions:

- How should teachers and students implement it?
- What kind of questions should you ask to develop this practice?
- What kind of learning activities to use?

Note: This is Part 5 of a eight-part series.

For FREE Infographic Poster for All Practice Standards Click Here 

For FREE Infographic Poster for Practice Standards MP1 Click Here 

For FREE Infographic Poster for Practice Standards MP2 Click Here 

For FREE Infographic Poster for Practice Standards MP3 Click Here 

For FREE Infographic Poster for Practice Standards MP4 Click Here 

Follow us on http://preptoon.weebly.com/ to stay up to date with all the new Infographics we publish.

This work by PrepToon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://www.corestandards.org/Math/Practice/.

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