"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Saturday, April 15, 2017

It's Teacher Talk's FEATURED AUTHOR!

It's TEACHER TALK'S Featured Author
April 2017
Kathy Simpson

This is my family. My husband and I have been best friends and married for 45 years…we met in high school in 1967.  I know…I am dating myself, but I mentioned this because in today’s world this does not happen too often!  We have 3 children who are all married and 4 grandchildren…so far…fingers crossed for a few more! Marra is my maiden name so I am thrilled that one of my granddaughters is named after ME and my middle name is Joy, which is also my younger granddaughter’s middle name…another score in the name department! I have also included a picture of our newest and youngest granddaughter. She is 2 months old and was not in our family photo this year... next year you will see her sparkling face right with the rest of us.

PS. We have 5 teachers in the Simpson Clan! Can you find them?

I taught full time and part time for 34 years.  Most of my career I taught first grade and looped from first to second for a total of 25 years. I have also taught pre-school through high school (Spanish) in some capacity through subbing for many years. I have written curriculum, served as Team Leader for first and second grade, and facilitated workshops for Everyday Math and Literacy Stations as well as co-teaching.  My Non-fiction writing methods are featured in a book by Dr. Sharon Kletzien published by the International Reading Association entitled Informational Text in K-3 Classrooms

About 3 years ago I embarked on a new adventure...after 34 years of teaching full and part time, I retired. After the dust settled on the dance floor from the many retirement parties that were celebrated, I sprained my ankle walking out a door and that, my friends, was the beginning of my TpT journey. I sat day and night unable to move and then it hit me...my colleagues always told me I should sell my resources on TpT.  So I dug out my plethora of files and the rest is history.  PS I LOVE creating!!

My Resources

My resources support grades Pre-K through 2nd grade in all areas of the curriculum. They range from Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and Science as well as Behavior Management, Social Skills, Special Education, English Language Learners and anything any teacher requests. My resources bring the understanding and knowledge that each child is unique...unique in the way they learn, what they need to succeed and the diverse qualities that make them who they are. My resources reflect the differentiation that is needed to meet the needs of each child in the classroom. When I create a resource, I try to think of my self, as a student, learning the concepts and skills included in the lesson.  How will a six or seven year old react to this?  I try to focus on what teachers need to support their learners.

One of  my Best Selling Resources  and one of my faves is Behavior Classroom Management: Stop thatBlurting Grades K-3!

Stop That Blurting and Interrupting is a Behavior Classroom Management resource, which was created to support students who have difficulty with calling out.  I would say that in the beginning of the year, that is pretty much everyone especially in the younger grades! This packet can be used with any book on this topic or it can stand-alone. It is meant to be used with grades: K-3, but can be adapted for older grades as well.  Strategy cards, role playing cards, differentiated writing frames and an award is included for use as needed for your class! 

 My all time favorite resource is  Be a Superhero and Save the Earth.

When I created this resource, I was so excited that I gave it away free to all my teacher friends!!  Be a Superhero and Save the Earth integrates Writing and Science. Children make themselves as this adorable superhero and write what they will do to save the earth. The writing frames are differentiated to work with various levels.
Everything you need to complete this craftivity is included. Just copy pieces on to colored cardstock or construction paper and you are ready to go!  I would have the students do the writing first and then make themselves as a superhero. PS This would make a great Bulletin Board...Oh and it's my #2 seller!

Where can you find me?

TBOTEMC’s Teacher Talk has encourage me to stay on top of my goals in that gentle reminders are sent to let you know what is ahead. It allows bloggers to share their posts with many more viewers in that it is linked with other bloggers and with this site as well. I feel that this group has enabled me to be my best teacherpreneur self because it has opened many avenues and opportunities for success. I LOVE being a part of this group and the entire TBOTEMC .  Thanks everyone!!!

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