Friday, September 30, 2016


by Geaux First Grade
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

Thanks for downloading my Halloween freebie!

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Thursday, September 29, 2016

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Argumentative vs. Persuasive Writing: FREE Lesson / TED Guided Notes”

by Secondary Sara
7th - 12th Grade

Need to explain the difference between argument and persuasion to middle or high school students? Let a professor tell your students why proposing and testing an argument is different from “winning”! 

Based on Daniel Cohen's TED talk about argument, students will complete a 45-minute lesson: pre-assessment, active listening to complete guided notes, reflection questions, and a post-assessment on the differences between argumentative and persuasive writing. Students will then be ready to proceed to the argumentative (or persuasive) writing of your choice!

This four-page download includes the student handout and an answer key. Enjoy!

(PS: If you like this lesson, you might also like my Intro to Public Speaking (as taught by TED) lessons, or my Mock Conference Talks: Speech Unit!)

**Copyright Note: To protect the copyright of TED and its speakers, no video clips, transcripts, or chunks of text are included in this download – just the links to view the videos directly from TED. I also have no endorsement from, or affiliation with, TED. 

You may also like…

My other popular WRITING materials:
Argumentative Writing Bundle
Intro to Debate Unit
Informative Writing Bundle: 10 Assignments for Secondary ELA
Creative Writing/Narrative BUNDLE
Bundle of 10 “Short Research Projects”, Volume I 

Summer Writing for Teens: Choice Menu with 40 Prompts {June & July}

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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Printable Halloween Party Games (Freebie)”

by Teaching in the Primary Grades
1st - 2nd Grade

These fun printable Halloween games will make a great addition to your Halloween party. 

Included are a Halloween Word Search and a Halloween Themed Color-By-Sight-Word coloring sheet. 

Follow my page on Facebook to be notified when I post more freebies. 

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Go Here to view my other freebies. 

Teaching in the Primary Grades


Thank you for your purchase! I love sharing my ideas with my fellow educators. 

After you use this product, I would appreciate it if you left feedback to let me know how you liked the product. Remember. Giving feedback allows you to receive Teachers Pay Teachers credits which you can use to save money on future TPT purchases. 
Please respect the time and effort I put into this product by not giving it away to others. I am a busy educator just like you. I make products for Teachers Pay Teachers because I believe it is important for educators to share their ideas with others. However, I also believe that all educators should be fairly compensated for their hard work. Your purchase allows you to return to your purchases page at Teachers Pay Teachers to purchase additional licenses at a reduced cost for your colleagues.

© Copyright 2016. Jordan Piacenti. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to copy pages specifically designed for student or teacher use by the original purchaser or licensee. The reproduction of any other part of this product is strictly prohibited. Copying any part of this product and placing it on the Internet in any form (even a personal/classroom website) is strictly forbidden. Doing so makes it possible for an Internet search to make the document available on the Internet, free of charge, and is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Check out this Emily Dickinson Poetry 3 day lesson. It covers 20 poems by Dickinson in such a way that students can easily relate - even to the complex ideas of her poetry. Students will work in stations to explore 8 of her shorter poems one day. The next day, they will each be assigned a longer poem by Dickinson where they will draw the images, analyze the meaning, explain the poetic elements, and present it to the class. Inlcudes daily bell ringers which include some other short poems of Dickinson. Students will enjoy this lesson where they work collaboratively and think critically.  Everything is ready to print and go for the teacher. Enjoy!

FREE MATH LESSON - “Spooky Order of Operations Task Cards FREEBIE”

by Miss S's Sixers
5th - 7th Grade

This FREE set of task cards is perfect for centers, cooperative learning, individual practice, or SCOOT! 

It comes with 10 task cards for order of operations!

Answer key included!

The cards are positioned so you can cut them out and leave some nice color border.

CCSS: 5.OA.1 and 6.EE.2

Have a special request for task cards? Let me know! :)

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Monday, September 26, 2016

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “MLA Works Cited Mini Puzzles, Free Activity for Stations, Centers, Groups”

by Julie Faulkner
8th - 12th Grade

This classroom-tested, interactive, hands-on, game-like activity is excellent for reinforcing MLA external works cited entries for the 8th edition. It is a skills-building practice activity to get students ready to cite their own sources in MLA format.

Following a unit on MLA, just to brush up skills, or as a simple time-filler, these MLA mini puzzles will get your students’ brains and hands active in a meaningful way.These would be perfect in learning stations, centers, and more. Students can try to solve them all or just a few! Race against the clock or each other to make them even more game-like. 

Everything is done for you! It is a print and go activity! All answers and suggestions for use are included!! Citations reflect the new 8th edition MLA changes. I've even included QR codes for students to check their own answers for a little technology incorporation!

This activity would be the perfect companion to my Complete MLA teaching guide. And...If you think these mini puzzles are cool, you might want to take a look at my full-size, human MLA puzzles, too!

Editable PPT format

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For more ideas and inspiration:
Faulkner's Fast Five Blog
Faulkner Photography Facebook
Teaching Tidbits Newsletter with Email-Only Freebies

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Sunday, September 25, 2016


by Heart2Teach
Kindergarten - 3rd Grade

Five Freebies - Pumpkin Theme

This Free Set includes:
1 Word Web
1 Word Find Activity
1 Maze Activity
1 Carve-A-Pumpkin Page
1 Coloring Page

You might also like this Batty Activity Set or this Autumn Main Idea Slideshow!

Happy Teaching!

I Love Autumn!

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Saturday, September 24, 2016

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Halloween Glyph Freebie”

by Kathy Babineau
Kindergarten - 4th Grade

Happy Halloween!

Here's a fun and easy glyph for your little ghosts and goblins to try. The directions may be read aloud by the teacher or read and completed independently by students. 

Glyphs are fun to display in the classroom when completed:)

This glyph is part of my Halloween Speech and Language Activity Kit

Kathy Babineau 
copyright 2015

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Friday, September 23, 2016

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Letter to President Freebie”

by Kennedy's Korner
2nd - 5th Grade

FREE - Write a letter to the President of the United States. 

This FREE template goes along with our Election 2012 Powerpoint which can be found on our TPT store - Kennedy's Korner. 

You can use this template to have your students write to the NEW President and tell him what they think about the current issues that were presented in the powerpoint. You may also use this form letter to have the student's write to the President to ask him a question or address a certain issue or concern your student's might have. Your students may also simply write a letter congratulating the new President after he is inaugurated. 

Enjoy the free template!

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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Teacher Author Appreciation & Autumn Solstice TagDay Sale and Giveaway

I hope everyone has had the best back to school year ever. In honor of the fall equinox and Teacher Author Appreciation Day,  I'm teaming up with some 15 other TpT sellers and collaborators to bring you an amazing weekend of steals, and #tagday deals and giveaways for grades 3-6 and SPED. You don’t want to miss out on this SALE, so be sure to mark your calendars. It begins Friday Sept. 23, 2016 @12 am EST and ends Monday Sept. 25, 2016 @ 12 am.

Fall Writing Activities
First up a set of Fall Writing Activities with everything you need for the season. 32 Writing task cards consisting of Expository, Persuasive and Narrative writing ideas and story starters. Themes include Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving, Sandwich Day, Election Day, Candy Day and Cake Day. As an added extra, a humorous poster of a thinking turkey with the quote,"If this Turkey Could Talk, What Would He Say?" Great for discussion and or written assignment.
Halloween Spooks
Next is an excerpt from my BOOtober Creative Writing Resource. The teacher will read The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, by Washington Irving. You may choose a different story if you like. Discuss what makes a scary story. Be sure to let them know that suspense and surprise endings are important elements in this genre. For a collaborative activity, they will write a scary Halloween tale with their partners and each person will contribute. To spark their natural competitiveness, let them know that they will read their piece to the class who will choose which tale is the scariest. You could give the winning group something special for Halloween. When the appointed day arrives, have them sit in a circle and pretend they are around the
campfire, they can use flashlights for the effect.  Turn off the lights, play some scary music and set the stage.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and my final  resource being offered , is called, What am I Thankful Forand includes a values lesson that will help your students  think about this.
What am I Thankful For?

FINALLY, we’re holding a RAFFLECOPTER for a chance to win a product of your choice, from one of these awesome stores. So be sure to enter by FOLLOWING my store and /or  others. The more stores or Facebook pages you like, the more chances you have to win. Type #tagday at Tpt to find all the shops that are in this FALLWONDERFUL SALE!

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Halloween Dividers #3 Clipart ~ Commercial Use OK”

by Teacher Karma
Pre-Kindergarten - 12th Grade

Halloween Dividers #3 Clipart! You will LOVE these ** 12 ** graphics that are so much FUN! They are absolutely perfect for adding to parent newsletters, literacy and writing stations, activities, printables and student worksheets, class invitations, etc. 

These graphics may be added to your classroom materials and resource products that you sell.

These graphics are intended for you to create your own teaching resources in a document form. The images must be embedded and NOT easily extracted.

In the download, there are instructions on how to give me credit for these images. Please make sure that you are using the graphics within a document, and not an image file.

The graphics absolutely may NOT be shared for any reason. You may also NOT use these graphics to create your own clipart. If you have any questions about this, please contact me at the email below.


*There are 12 great graphics included in this download. Each png graphic was created at 300 dpi.


Commercial use is okay, but please adhere to the terms of use that is included in the download.


If you are not following me, please join me! I LOVE to give away freebies!!! :) I also appreciate your feedback, so please take a moment to rate my product.


It is fine to use for commercial or personal use, but please read and adhere to the Terms of Use Policy included in the file. :)

Thank you for visiting Teacher Karma. Have fun and enjoy! 

Best Wishes!

I would LOVE for you to check out my blog:
Teacher Karma Blog

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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The benefits of a Reading Buddies program

The benefits of a Reading Buddies program by That Fun Reading Teacher 

Reading Buddies. Just typing it brings a smile to my face. When I was teaching kindergarten and first grade, my students always had Reading Buddies (older students from a partner class). The older buddies usually came weekly to read with my students and do a fun activity. Having a Reading Buddy program in my classroom is one of the things I missed when I was teaching Reading Recovery. When I became a special education teacher (providing literacy support to students up to the third grade), I set up buddy reading between some of my third grade students and snacking Kindergarten students. Half of them were interested when I first suggested bringing their 'most practiced' books to kindergarten, weekly, during recess. After the first month, I had to create a sign-up sheet! The first set of 'big buddies' were so excited about their new role, the rest wanted in. They had always had older Reading Buddies. Now they got to become them! When participation is voluntary, both younger and older students benefit in so many ways. The 'Little Buddies' benefit from:
  • hearing stories read-aloud (modeling of reading fluency, phrasing and expression)
  • having conversations with an older student about topics that interest and involve them (extending their vocabulary, oral language abilities)
  • having regular opportunities to practice familiar reading with 1:1 assistance
  • enjoying fun, positive experiences with 'big kid' who is now a recognizable face in the school community
The 'Big Buddies' benefit from:
  • further developing their own literacy skills
  • fostering leadership and problem-solving skills
  • improved self-confidence that comes from being looked-up to
  • a very real and important reason to be responsible, and an opportunity to be 'caught' (and praised) for positive behavior
  • bragging rights
Reading Buddies programs promote a higher interest and engagement in reading, improvement in social and communication skills, particularly for students learning English as a second language.  And, most importantly, it's just FUN. (It's especially fun when it's organized and you have a plan...) Check out this freebie and the Reading Buddies Starter pack for everything you need!

What are your experiences with Reading Buddies?

FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON - “Colonial American Careers - Tavern Keepers”

by Sarah Peterson
5th - 7th Grade

This product contains 3 one-page reading passages covering Tavern Keepers in Colonial America. This product is also perfect for SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS, enrichment learning, homeschool or co-ops! The reading passages are great for CLOSE READING with any non-fiction graphic organizer (not included). THIS LESSON INCLUDES READING PASSAGES, ACTIVITIES, REVIEW GAME, WORKSHEET AND TEACHER’S KEY. 

From the time that they first opened in Colonial America through the beginning of the Revolutionary War, taverns served as an unofficial gathering place for residents, travelers, politicians, and rebels. Colonial taverns played an important role in the development of American. This lesson plan includes: 

Reading Passages: *
3 one-page reading passages covering the following topics:

• Inns, Taverns, and Ordinaries: A Place to Socialize
• Licensing Requirements for Tavern Keepers
• Colonial Tavern Food and Beverages
• Food Preservation
• Paying the Tavern Bill
• Pre-Revolutionary Taverns

This product includes the following classroom activities:

 Job Application
 Brew Some Ginger Beer – Make a Dessert!
 Create Your Own Menu
 Writing Prompt
 Make a Colonial Newspaper /Read to Other Patrons
 Review Game: Bingo Words and Clues
 Review Worksheet


Colonial American Careers 
Reading Passages and Bingo - Roanoke and Jamestown Settlers
Colonial American Careers - Plymouth Pilgrims
Colonial American Careers - Roanoke and Jamestown Settlers
Colonial American Careers - Salem Witch Trial Judge

Bundled Medieval Career Lesson Plans:
Medieval Careers in Medieval Times Volume I
Medieval Careers in Medieval Times Volume 2

Individual Medieval Careers Lesson Plans:
Medieval Careers: Religious Jobs - Monks, Nuns and Almoners
Medieval Careers: Scribes, Illuminators and the Magna Carta
Medieval Careers: Pilgrims and the Canterbury Tales

Medieval Reading Passages and Bingo:
Reading Passages and Bingo: Medieval Architects, Castles and Cathedrals
Reading Passages and Bingo: Medieval Knights and Heraldry

Colonial American Careers - Tavern Keepers by Sarah Peterson is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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