"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

How a Reading Buddies program benefits kids. And not just the little ones!

The benefits of a Reading Buddies program by That Fun Reading Teacher
[/Image credit: gelpi / 123RF Stock Photo

Reading Buddies.

Just typing the term brings a smile to my face.

When I was teaching kindergarten and first grade, my students always had Reading Buddies (older students from a partner class). The older buddies usually came weekly to read with my students and do a fun activity. 

Having a Reading Buddy program in my classroom is one of the things I missed when I was teaching Reading Recovery. When I became a special education teacher (providing literacy support to students up to the third grade), I set up buddy reading between some of my third grade students and snacking Kindergarten students. Half of them were interested when I first suggested bringing their 'most practiced' books to kindergarten, weekly, during recess. After the first month, click here to continue reading...

                               The Reading Buddies Starter Pack


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