"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Saturday, June 4, 2016

End of Year - "End of Year Scavenger/Qr Code Hunt"

 By:  Laurane Rae of Teach To Tell
Grades: 3 - 6

Reporting is done. Everything set in the curriculum has been taught - well almost... and there's a spirit of carefreeness in the air. It's perhaps nearing the End of Year or School Term for you and students have little or no motivation to keep going right till the last day. The secret is to keep them busy and organized/organised right till the very end, more for the sake of your sanity. That doesn't mean you can't have fun whilst learning. There are lots of fun activities out there that promote subtle learning. A favorite/favourite of mine is the 'End of Year Scavenger Hunt'.

This activity not only enables students to reflect on the school year but also provides the teacher with an overview of the effectiveness of teaching and learning that took place throughout the year.

For example the question in card #16 below gives the teacher a notion of an ideal teacher from a student's perspective.

Card #13 helps the teacher know a student's lasting impression about a particular topic taught.

This card would be a good indicator of what lessons students take away with them as the year comes to an end.

Here's one on what students have learned to become better writers.

This one links to learning outside the classroom.

Finally this one asks the students to give a one line clever sum-up of the year gone by.

For students and teachers who love technology and want to integrate this into learning, the same activity can be done with QR Codes. Here students scan the code and are taken to the question.

Using these cards are simple. Just spread/hide in the classroom for students to find and answer. They must record their responses on the Recording Sheet.

I hope your students have fun with these - I know mine did!

Have a memorable End of Year/School Term and here's wishing you and your students all the best for the next one.

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