"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Monday, June 27, 2016

Join us for lunch at the 2016 TpT Conference and have a chance to win a $50 TpT Gift Certificate!

Going to the 2016 TpT Conference and still deciding where to have lunch?  Join us at the Garden Grove Restaurant on July 13th or July 14th and have a chance to win a $50 TpT Gift Certificate.

Find out how joining The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative can help you take your TpT store to the next level. 

Each person will be able to pay for their lunch with a separate check.  However, if you decide to join TBOTEMC, you can receive a free lunch or dinner during the 2016 TpT Conference.   

Go to http://www.thebestofteacherentrepreneursmarketingcooperative.com/2016/06/the-best-of-teacher-entrepreneurs.html to reserve your spot at one of the four TBOTEMC Get-Togethers.  

Click on http://www.thebestofteacherentrepreneursmarketingcooperative.com/2014/01/the-best-of-teacher-entrepreneurs.html to find out how the power of the group can increase your TpT store's potential. 

Feel free to email me at vleon999@yahoo.com if you have any questions.

Hope to see you in Florida,


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