"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Monday, May 23, 2016

Rhetorical devices are perfect for improving speech writing, examining the effects of syntax, and developing analytical skills in Advanced Placement English Language and Composition Courses.

This lesson packet includes a PowerPoint with attractively designed slides to get students' attention. This presentation explains 15 rhetorical devices and provides examples of each. 
If these terms sound Greek to you, it's because they are Greek! The terms taught in this lesson are in the speech bubble of the product cover above.

A handout accompanies the PowerPoint so that students can record the names of the terms. Then, students will do a hands-on application activity to complete the handout.

Also included is a clean copy of John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address speech from 1961. Students will analyze the speech and annotate the areas where rhetorical terms are employed. They will also collaborate with others and compare analyses. Annotated answer key is included. In addition, students will consider and discuss the effect certain strategies have on an audience. 

Students will also write and compare before and after speeches. The before speech is before learning these new Greek terms. The after speech is the revision to include some of these rhetorical techniques. A speech evaluation slip is also included which challenges students to compare and evaulate the before and after speeches of others.

This lesson is rigorous and engaging. Students will use a variety of skills during these 3 days of lessons. Students will write, analyze, apply, evaluate, annotate, and more. These techniques will definitely help students understand how diction and syntax can effectively be used to persuade an audience. 

Even if you have never heard of these rhetorical devices terms, I encourage you to give this lesson a try. Students will love learning how to arrange their words to persuade others and to get their ideas across more effectively.

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