"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

FREE SCIENCE LESSON - “Glitter and Germs - An Activity and Follow-up Worksheets”

by Gretchen Ebright
Pre-Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

This is a fun activity that I have done with my kiddos for many, many years! 
It is a great way to get across the message that germs are spread from mouth/nose, to hands, to people and objects - using glitter! 
You can read more about it on my blog: 
GLITTER AND GERMS ACTIVITY! - a fun way to teach about germs!

This packet includes instructions for the activity plus 2 follow-up worksheets to go along with the importance of washing out hands! 
-Activity instructions
-Follow-up worksheet with writing response
-Follow-up worksheet with drawing response for younger learners

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Thank You!
Gretchen Ebright, M.Ed.
Doodle Dog Designs
Endless Teaching Ideas

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