"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Thursday, March 31, 2016


by Rike Neville
7th - 12th Grade

Allowing students to discover grammar rules by working together in cooperative learning groups both decreases teacher talk and instills deductive reasoning skills. When students can articulate rules in their own words, they own them and will be more like to both remember them and use them correctly.

In this linguistic investigation, students will work together to discover the rules for using "for" and "since" in the present perfect.

Students don't often have many chances to speak in grammar classes other than to ask questions, so linguistic activities are a great way to get them talking! They'll reason with each other, agree and disagree, and theorize. Linguistic investigations teach students how to solve their own grammar mysteries!

This activity was designed for intermediate-level adult ESL students. **UPDATE: It now includes a handout/worksheet for students to practice choosing "for" or "since" and writing their own present perfect sentences using "for" and "since".

Other Present Perfect Products:
 Linguistic Investigation: already/yet in present perfect
 Linguistic Investigation: Present Perfect Progressive vs. Present Perfect
 Linguistic Investigation: Present Perfect vs. Simple Past
 Grammar Guide: Present perfect
 Grammar Guide: Present Perfect vs. Present Perfect Progressive

One more:
 Grammar Guide: Past Perfect & Past Perfect Progressive

Other Available Linguistic Investigations:
 Linguistic Investigation: Active/Passive Voice 
 Linguistic Investigation: already/yet in present perfect
 Linguistic Investigation: Comparative Adjectives
 Linguistic Investigation: Modals
► Linguistic Investigation: Possessive Nouns
 Linguistic Investigation: Present Perfect Progressive vs. Present Perfect
 Linguistic Investigation: Present Perfect vs. Simple Past
► Linguistic Investigation: so vs. such
► Linguistic Investigation: really vs. very
► Linguistic Investigation: some vs. any
► Linguistic Investigation: the sounds of "c"

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