"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Monday, June 22, 2015

Music Across The Curriculum - Sharing is Caring Teacher Blogging Collaborative

5 Top Reasons to Use Music in The Classroom

By: Nikki Heiman, of Creative Inclusion

By:  Kathie Yonemura, of Tried and True Teaching Tools

Music in the classroom is critical, even for the "non-musical"!! Use music as a learning tool, for classroom management, and setting the tone for classroom environment.

By: Deann Marin, of Socrates Lantern

Music has always been very near and dear to me so this is a great topic to write about. From day one of my teaching career, I used music in my classroom. Even though I’m not a musician, by any means, I can plunk some notes on the piano, and play very rudimentary guitar chords and notes.

And, also included in this linkup is an ode to Dad! Check out these great posts as well!

By: Mary Carr of Carrberry Creations

One of the best lessons my father ever taught me.

By Keri Vandengen, of Speech Party

My Secret For Getting Kids To Practice Speech with Dads? -Layered Ice Cream Cookie FUN. Here is how I use layered fun to boost practice motivation…

Brought to you by the "Sharing is Caring Elite Teacher Blogging Cooperative" 
Part of The Best Of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Team

1 comment:

  1. Interesting articles! It motivates one to be a better educator. Thank you for all the information.
