"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Language Arts; Science: "Flipbooks"

By Laurane Rae

Grades 2-6

Flipbooks are undeniably known for their versatility; for one thing, they scaffold the structure of a piece of writing, are a handy visual tool, and look simply impressive.

They can be used for just about any subject or topic:

The templates can also be glued into an Interactive Notebook.

As a flipbook has different compiled components, I have my students first finish each section. They work at their own pace and place each finished section in a folder. Each team of 4-5 students sit together and have their own folder on their table, that way all their pieces are in one place and easily accessible.

My students have told me that the best part is when all the sections are completed and they get to compile them and see the finished whole.

The proud look on their faces say it all.

Laurane Rae

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