"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring is in the Air Complete Activity Pack is Here!

Spring is officially here! 
So is my "Spring is in the Air" Complete Activity Pack 
As the days become warmer and longer, people seem to “spring” into action. Everywhere you look, there are people outside enjoying the pleasant weather.
Have you ever heard of Spring fever? It’s a term use to describe an increase in people’s energy levels that happens during Spring. What will you do with your extra energy this Spring? 
Did you know that Spring marks the beginning of the planting season? People all over the world celebrate Spring by planting flowers and vegetable gardens. Farmers plow their fields to get ready for planting their fields. All over the nation there's a sense of change in the air.
How do you celebrate Spring? 
I plan to get outside and enjoy all that Mother Nature has to offer!

Be Sure to Stop Back Next Week
I have another Spring-sational Surprise Just for You!!


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