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Sunday, March 29, 2015

SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON - "Civil War, Slavery, and Reconstruction Lesson Plan Collection"

Civil War, Slavery, and Reconstruction Lesson Plan Collect
Click HERE to purchase!
Total Pages
Over 200 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
3 Weeks

This great lesson plan collection includes over 40 webquests, worksheets,and powerpoints covering key events of the Civil War time period. My students enjoy these webquests/activities and have become very interested in the Civil War and Reconstruction. My students ask more questions and using the internet is always more exciting than reading from a textbook. Each major lesson plan can take at least one class period to complete. All of the websites cover events of the Civil War in great detail. I sell these lesson plans individually and many have received very positive reviews. Save yourself time and money and order this whole collection together.

All of the lesson plans listed below are in my Civil War and Reconstruction Collection.

Civil War Webquests
Civil War Webquest: History Channel Website
Civil War Weapons and Battles Webquest: Great Lesson Plan
Civil War Webquest: New York City Draft Riots
The Assassination of Lincoln Webquest: Great Website
Civil War Presidents Webquest
Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War Webquest
Dakota Conflict/US Dakota War of 1862 Webquest
John Brown Webquest: Bleeding Kansas and Harpers Ferry
John Brown Worksheets and Webquest Collection

Civil War PowerPoints
Civil War 3D PowerPoint: Petersburg Campaign
Civil War Strengths and Weaknesses of the North and South PowerPoint
Civil War: The Death of Stonewall Jackson PowerPoint

Civil War in 4 Minutes Video Webquests
Civil War in 4 Minutes Video Lesson Plan Collection
Civil War: Daily Life of a Soldier 4 Minute Video Worksheet (Simple to Use)
Civil War: Emancipation Proclamation in 4 Minutes Video Worksheet (Easy to Use)
Civil War: African American Soldiers in 4 Minutes Video Worksheet (Easy to Use)
Civil War Artillery 4 Minute Video Worksheet (Simple and Easy to Use)
Civil War Infantry Tactics in Four Minutes Video Worksheet (Simple to Use)
Civil War Army Organization in 4 Minutes Video Worksheet (Simple to Use)
Civil War: The Battle of Gettysburg in 4 Minutes Video Worksheet (Easy to Use)
Civil War: Gettysburg Address in 4 Minutes Video Worksheet (Easy to Use)

Civil War Mapping
Civil War Mapping Activity (1860 USA Map)

Civil War Worksheets
Civil War and Reconstruction Primary Sources Internet Worksheet Collection
John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry Primary Source Internet Worksheets
Showdown at Fort Sumter Civil War Worksheet: Great Reading/Worksheet
Battle of Bull Run Primary Source Worksheet
Battle of the Ironclads Primary Source Worksheet
Bread Riot in Richmond: Civil War Primary Source Worksheet
Election of 1864 Worksheet: “The Tide is Setting Strongly Against Us”
The Assassination of Lincoln and the Death of Booth Worksheets

Civil War Writing Activities
Battles of the Civil War Writing Collection: Student Letters
Andersonville Letter: Civil War Letter Activity
Battle of Antietam: Civil War Letter Activity
Siege of Vicksburg: Civil War Letter Activity
Battle of Gettysburg: Civil War Letter Activity
Siege of Petersburg: Civil War Letter Activity
Civil War Research Paper

Slavery Webquests/Worksheets
Triangle Trade and Slave Trade Webquest
African Slave Trade Primary Source Worksheet: The African Connection, ca 1788
African Slave Trade Primary Source Worksheet: Aboard a Slave Ship, 1829
Fredrick Douglas Primary Source Worksheet: Escape From Slavery
Slavery Primary Source Worksheet: A Slave's Life
Slavery Primary Source Worksheet: Slave Auction 1850

Reconstruction Webquests/Worksheets
The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow Webquest
Slavery by Another Name Video Worksheet/Video Webquest
African Americans and West: Buffalo Soldiers Webquest
Reconstruction Worksheet: Letter from a Freedman to His Old Master
Impeachment Trial of Andrew Johnson: Reconstruction Primary Source Worksheet
Reconstruction and the Ku Klux Klan Primary Source Worksheet

Please check out the following lesson plan collections that have some or all of my Civil War and Reconstruction lesson plans:
Civil War Sampler
America at War Webquest Collection: American Revolution to the Persian Gulf
American and World History Primary Sources Worksheet Collection
American History, World History, and Geography Collection (History Wizard)
American History and United States Geography Collection (History Wizard)

Visit my Facebook Page and "like me" to receive updates and free lesson plans.

Thanks for your interest,

The History Wizard

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