"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Misc. Lesson - 'Homework For Beginners'

by Kathryn Garcia
Pre-K - Kinder

When my daughter was just beginning her teaching career as a substitute, she had a long-term position in a very low SES Pre-K classroom.  She was amazed at how limited the language development was among her students.  It was an eye-opener for her to realize that there are many, many homes where parents just don't carry on conversations with their toddlers.  It isn't from lack of caring.  Many families are just struggling to get food on the table, maybe with more than one job, or the parents just don't have the confidence to know what the children need.  Often, their English language skills are limited as well.
I created a set of 'homework' pages for her to use to hopefully increase the opportunities for language development in the home environment.  Basically, having a conversation became a homework assignment.  The first week, she was receiving about 2 of the assignments back.  After a few weeks, almost 100% of the homework pages were coming back to school.  Her conclusion was that probably the little ones enjoyed the 'parental interaction' so much that they reminded hounded the parents until they responded.
Maybe you will find some use for this product from my

Made For Learning store that will help with your young students.
Homework For Beginners Set A

Included in each set is a page for parents to help them understand each section of the assignment.  Also, the 'BONUS' section is blank on many pages for the teacher to add something special for that day or week, or for something that is individual to that student.
Here is the parent page.

There are two sets in this black & white product and a BUNDLE is available as well.

Click here to see these products in my store.

Thanks for taking a look.


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