"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Monday, March 16, 2015

Medieval Careers in Medieval Times, Volume I

Grades 4-6
Sarah Peterson
Hands on History

Looking for a fun way to teach Medieval History?  
Let your students become Kings, Queens, Jesters, Cooks and Astrologers! 

Medieval Careers in Medieval Times, Volume 1 includes seven “Medieval Career” lesson plans.  Each plan includes INFORMATIONAL TEXT about the career and related historical topics. Engaging activities and games reinforce the lesson.  Worksheets, teacher’s keys, book and movie suggestions are also included.

Careers Included in Volume I:
Kings and Queens
Barbers and Apothecaries
Pages and Squires
Knights and Heraldry
Cooks, Bakers and Brewers


Click here to check out this product.
or visit my TPT store to see my other Medieval Careers

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