"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Language Arts Lesson - "My Mouth is a Volcano"

Are you familiar with this children's book? 


It was written by Julia Cook in 2005 and I think it's a must have for every pre-school and elementary teacher out there.  It's a perfectly adorable story that will open a fantastic opportunity for discussing the age old problem of interrupting.  As a frequent interrupter myself it is good to be reminded. 

If you'd like to do some extension lessons based on the book I've  put together a few simple activity pages. They include:
  • Metaphor Puzzles & Recording Sheets
  • Comprehension Questions
  • Vocabulary Puzzles & Pocket Chart Cards
  • Hyperbole Activity Page
  • Graphic Organizer for brainstorming strategies for behavior
  • Self-Reflection Journal Page

metaphors hyberbole  graphic organizers
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