"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Language Arts (and Social Studies!): Found Poetry Packet

Created by: Danielle Hall 
grades 6-12

 Found Poetry Packet (link)

Want to get students to understand texts on a deeper level and write poetry at the same time? This packet was designed to help students understand, enjoy, and create “found” poetry. “Found” poetry asks students to reshape an existing text into something new. This product is the “found” poem. 

This document contains three source texts and three sample "found" poems. While “found” poems can be created from any text, I’ve chosen three types to showcase here: 
1) A poem created from a single fiction text
2) A poem created from a single newspaper article
3) A poem created from two newspaper articles on the same topic 

The sample texts are: excerpt from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
"Steamboat Burnt" from The National Gazette (1834)
"William Penn" from The National Gazette (1834)

Most likely, you won’t do all three in your classroom in one year, but I’ve provided materials for each of these based on three source texts. You can use these to expose your students to “found” poetry. This adds flexibility and longevity to this product.

“Found” poetry is a great teaching tool because the possibilities are endless. I have used this will many levels of students on several kinds of texts. I hope you have a great time working on this with your students.


-Danielle @ nouvelle

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