"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Monday, March 23, 2015



If you have been wanting to purchase my 

Regularly priced at $15.00,
this bundle will be on sale for
through March 25, 2015!

**If purchased separately, these seven lesson plans would cost $28.00!**

This bundle includes the following SEVEN individual lesson plans:

·        Alchemists and the Philosopher’s Stone
·        Architects and Engineers (Castles and Cathedrals, Engines of War)
·        Embroiderers and Census Takers (Bayeux Tapestry, Domesday Book and William the Conqueror)
·        Scribes and Illuminators (Magna Carta);
·        Monks, Nuns, and Almoners; Scribes and Illuminators (Magna Carta)
·        Pilgrims (Geoffrey Chaucer and the Canterbury Tales)
·        Explorers (The Age of Discovery)

Each plan includes INFORMATIONAL TEXT as well as engaging activities and review games to reinforce the lesson.  The following is a general outline for Volume II:

Medieval Alchemist
You are living in the Middle Ages, a period of time when little advancement was made in the areas of art and science.  The year is 1032 AD, and you live in Western Europe.  You work day and night conducting experiments with various minerals, metals and herbs. Your objective?  To find the philosopher’s stone.  Gold, immortality, and a remedy of all diseases – these are your goals.  You are a medieval alchemist!

This lesson includes: 
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Alchemy During the Middle Ages
·        Job Application for the Position of Alchemist
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: When, Where, Why, What, How, and Who of Alchemy
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Two Alchemists: Roger Bacon and Nicholas Flamel
·        A Writing Prompt - Goals
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Symbolism in Alchemy
·        Activity - Read an Alchemist’s Passage
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Success or Cheating?
·        Job Application: Alchemist
·        Read an Alchemist’s Passage plus key
·        Instructions - Experiment: Clean the Pennies
·        Instructions - Experiment: Turn a Steel Nail to Copper
·        Instructions - Experiment: Malachite on the Pennies
·        Review Worksheet and Teacher’s Key
·        Additional Classroom Activities: Mixing and Measuring
·        Additional Classroom Activities: Rusting Iron Experiment

Medieval Architect and Engineer
Buildings in the Middle Ages
There were many construction jobs during the Middle Ages!  Not only were castles and cathedrals being built, so were manors and huts. What type of building job could you hope to find in Medieval times? Actually, there were many, many possibilities for employment: Architects, Engineers, Quarryman, Carpenters, Laborers and more!  This lesson covers the jobs of the builders, the styles of the time and information on siege engines.

This lesson includes: 
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Who Were the Medieval Builders?
·        Job Application: Architect and Engineer
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Castle and Palaces; Cathedrals and Churches
·        A Medieval Castle Coloring Page
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Romanesque Style of Architecture
·        Medieval Architecture Memory Game
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Gothic Style of Architecture
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Grotesques and Gargoyles
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Engineers and Siege Engines
·        Instructions for Catapult Game
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Peasant Huts
·        Architects, Craftsmen and Engineer Worksheet and Teacher’s Key
·        Instructions for Stained Glass Craft
·        Bingo Words and clues for Bingo Review Game

Embroiderer, Census-Taker
William the Conqueror
The Bayeux Tapestry; The Domesday Book
William the Conqueror is one of the most well-known individuals of the Middle Ages.  Duke William of Normandy, as he was also known, defeated King Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Hastings to become the first Norman King of England. Much was accomplished during his reign: William built many castles including the Tower of London and Windsor Castle; the first census occurred during William’s reign – a survey of land and property – which became known as the Domesday Book; and the Bayeux Tapestry was created in honor of William’s victory at Hastings. 

Students will discover the Medieval jobs of the weavers, embroiderers, and census-takers while learning about the Domesday Book, the Bayeux Tapestry and William the Conqueror!

·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Tapestry and Embroidery in the Middle Ages
·        Job Application for the Position Embroiderer and Weaver
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: William the Conqueror
·        A Coloring Page of William the Conqueror
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: the Bayeux Tapestry
·        Examples of Scenes from the Bayeux Tapestry
·        An Activity on Measuring the Bayeux Tapestry
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: The Domesday Book and Census-Takers
·        Instructions for Conducting a Medieval Census Activity
·        Bayeux Tapestry Worksheet and Teacher’s Key
·        Bingo Words for Bingo Review Game
·        Instructions for Finger Weaving and Paper Tapestry
·        Links to Bayeux Tapestry Images.

Scribes, Illuminators
The Magna Carta
Owning a book during the Middle Ages was actually a big deal.  Books were rare and expensive because they were not mass-produced.   Each book was copied by hand by a Scribe or Copyist until after the invention of the printing press in the year 1440 – near the end of the Middle Ages.  In order to understand the complex process, one needs to examine the various steps of creating a book.  Scribes, illuminators and the Magna Carta are covered in this lesson plan.

This lesson includes:
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Books in the Middle Ages
·        Job Application: Monastic Scribe
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Supplies: Pen and Ink
·        Activity Instructions: Make Your Own Quill
·        Activity Instructions: Make Your Own Ink
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Who Could Be a Scribe?
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: The Jobs of Copying and Illuminating
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: The Magna Carta
·        Images of Magna Carta and King John at Runnymede
·        Activity Instructions: Be a Scribe!
·        Review Worksheet and Teacher’s Key
·        Words and Clues for Bingo Review Game
·        Writing Activity: Create Your Own Charter
·        Craft Activity: Illuminate a Letter
·        Old English Alphabet

Medieval Monk, Nun and Almoner
Religious Jobs in the Middle Ages
In Western Europe during the Middle Ages, Christianity was the main religion.  And at that time, all Christians were Catholic (at least in Western Europe). Everyone’s life was dictated by religion:  from morning until night, from birth until death. Upper class and lower class alike had to follow the rules of the Church. This lesson takes a look at a few of the many religious jobs during the Middle Ages.

This lesson includes:
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Religion in the Middle Ages
·        Activity Coloring Page – Medieval Priest 
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT:  Monks and Nuns
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: A Day in the Life of a Monk; Life of a Nun
·        Activity: Complete Job Application
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT:  The Job of Almoner
·        Activity: Prepare Lunches for the Homeless
·        Activity: Write Notes for the Homeless Lunches
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Gregorian Chants; Precentor
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Monastic Herbalist
·        Religious Jobs Review Worksheet and Teacher’s Key
·        Activity: Be a Monastic Herbalist!
·        Writing Activity: Respond to the Prompt
·        Activity: Be an Herbalist: Make your Own Tea!
·        Activity: Medieval Monastery Chants
·        Activity Suggestion: Participate in a Charitable Activity
·        Bingo Words and Clues for Bingo

Medieval Pilgrims
Geoffrey Chaucer and the Canterbury Tales
Pilgrims were – and are – people who traveled to a location because it was significant to their religion.  Pilgrimages have been around for centuries as people of all religions traveled long distances to important sacred sites.  Each person had his or her own reason for going on a pilgrimage.  Some people were seeking atonement for a sin or some offense; other people sought a cure for a disease or disability; still others traveled to holy places simply because they were religious and devout. 

Geoffrey Chaucer wrote a poem about pilgrims journeying to the Canterbury Cathedral called “The Canterbury Tales.” This poem is recognized for revealing details about how ordinary people lived during the Middle Ages. 

This lesson includes: 
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT “What is a Pilgrim?”
·        Job Application: Pilgrim
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT:: “Geoffrey Chaucer and the Canterbury Cathedral
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: “The Canterbury Tales”
·        Activity: Translate Middle English Passage of Canterbury Tales
·        Teacher’s Key for Translation
·        A Canterbury Tale Adaptation of “The Pardoner’s Tale”
·        Activity: Write your Own Tale!
·        Activity: Go On a Pilgrimage
·        Worksheet “Pilgrims and the Canterbury Tales”
·        Teacher’s Key for Pilgrims Worksheet
·        Coloring Page – Medieval Pilgrimage
·        Seek and Find Activity Sheet and Teacher’s Key
·        Bingo Words and Clues for Bingo Review Game

Medieval Explorers
The Age of Discovery

This is the final lesson in the “Medieval Careers” series!  What is the Age of Discovery?  A clue: it is also called the Age of Exploration! The Age of Discovery began in the 15th century when many European explorers left their continent in search of new land.  This lesson covers the career of an explorer as well as contributions by Marco Polo, Prince Henry the Navigator and Christopher Columbus.

This lesson includes: 
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: “The Age of Discovery”
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: “What Was Life Like on a Ship?”
·        Explorer Job Application
·        Activity: Make Ship Biscuits (Recipe)
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Who Were the Explorer? Marco Polo
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT:  Prince Henry the Navigator
·        INFORMATIONAL TEXT: Christopher Columbus
·        Activity: The Voyage of Christopher Columbus Map and Worksheet
·        Activity: Map Your Room
·        Review Game: True/False
·        Worksheet and Teacher’s Key
·        Activity: Simon Says Compass-Reading Game
·        Activity: Coloring Page – Medieval Explorers



Click here to check out the Medieval Bundle!  

Each lesson can also be purchases separately at my STORE

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