"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Speaking of Heroes & Sale Extended

My awesome husband on the day
of the big, bad Teacher of the Year Pep Rally.
Do you remember that song by Bette Midler?
(One of my all-time favorites.) 

Many days we do not FEEL like heroes. Yet, we have a lasting impact on our students. I enjoy hearing about people's favorite teacher from elementary school. I usually ask them what they really liked about that person or their style of teaching. It is fun to know what "sticks" with people when they grow up. I would imagine that those teachers are considered heroes in the minds of these people. 

Speaking of Heroes...
         ...today I am throwing back to one of my posts last November:

"What if Teachers Were Treated Like Football Stars" 
Have you seen that video yet? 

While the video is funny, you may find yourself thinking, "Wow, too bad that's not true!"

Well, good news! I know of a real-life example of teachers being "cheered on" in a BIG way. 

There is a "Teacher of the Year" Pep Rally that is hosted by the Business Leaders of our county. They invite all of the TOTYs from the schools in our district, the city schools, as well as the private schools and colleges that are located in the county. 

It is BIG! It is LOUD! It is FUN!! And...a little bit CRAZY!

To continue reading this post on my personal blog, please click HERE. 
Hopefully you will have a better perspective of how super we teachers really are! You are valued WAY more than any district could afford to pay you. 

Another thing that may put a pep in your step is another day for the "Teachers are Heroes" sale on TPT! That always energizes me!

Here are the details:
Most stores are on sale...if not all.
My store is 20% off.
Extra 10% off your total order at checkout when you enter this code: HEROES

It is a great time to stock up on some of those awesome resources that you have had your eye on!

Have a super day!

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