"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Social Studies - The Bill of Rights

Jan'etta Hayden
Grades 1-3

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Directions are included for the teacher along with helpful websites.
Background information for the teacher.  These are written in such a way that you can actually read about each bill to your students.  The information is in kid-friendly language.
 The booklet has a title page and room for students to write the meaning of the amendment or draw a picture. 

This is an eleven page booklet used to teach and assess student's knowledge of The Bill of Rights. Each page has a place for students to write a sentence or illustrate each amendment.

You can use the included information to teach the students about the Bill of Rights. There are also websites listed at the bottom of this page. I give students the booklets one page at a time as we discuss the amendments. They are to draw a picture describing each amendment. You could also have students write what the amendment means. After we have completed all of the pages, then we cut the pages and put the books together.

Thank you so much!  I am

Cordially yours,


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