"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

New & Improved Editable Common Core Records & Checklists

The people spoke and we listened! We recently updated our Common Core Records & Checklists so you can input data with Acrobat. They can still be printed up and filled in by hand if you prefer. They include individual student records, teacher records and a whole-class checklist that cover all the Common Core Standards for a grade level. We took the Common Core State Standards and turned them into student and teacher friendly “I can” statements and used those to create these records. This helps when conferring with students and parents because you don't have to spend time explaining what the standard is saying. We made two types of records. One for tracking an individual student’s progress and one for teachers to track when they have taught/reviewed each standard.


With the student records there is room to record multiple dates and scores for each standard. In the comments you can list the student’s strengths and/or next steps. You can utilize these for conferences with parents, when completing report cards and as evidence for teacher evaluations.

On the teacher's records there is room to record multiple dates taught and reviewed for each standard. In the comments you can list students who need more review, what went well and what didn’t and what you need to reteach. These can be used for teacher evaluations and future lesson planning.

I use the checklists as a quick reference for my whole class. I use a + for above expectations, a check mark for at expectations, – sign is for below expectations. I can quickly see where each student is at and this helps me with lesson planning, grouping and interventions. I also use these for report cards, when discussing students with my teaching partners/team and for placement at the end of the year.

You can get these checklists and records as part of my learning target bundles. These bundles have posters with the same "I can" statements that are used on the records and also include rubrics and editable file labels.





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