"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Featured Seller - Joya Crawford

Tell us about yourself.
My name is Joya Crawford.  I have been married to my husband for 10 years and we have 2 children.  Suri is 7 and Levi is nearly 4.  They are our biggest blessings as we adopted them from foster care.  We were foster parents for 6 years and cared for many children.  It is something my husband and I are both very passionate about.  I was a teacher for 15 years before I was promoted to stay-at-home momma for 2 years.  My husband applied for an opportunity through work to work in the Bahamas and we moved down here in November of 2013.  We are committed to 2 years and have the option to stay 2 more.  While in the classroom for 15 years I taught first grade and second grade.  I taught mostly at high-poverty, high ELL schools in Fairfax County, Virginia and then in Mukilteo, Washington.

What do you like best about teaching?
I loved building relationships with my students and building a caring community in the classroom the most.  I used Responsive Classroom practices to build a strong sense of community in my classrooms.  I loved getting to know and care about each student and seeing them care about and for each other.  Once they felt safe, accepted, and cared for they were ready to learn. 

Describe your favorite TpT product.
My favorite TpT product is my Student-Friendly Behavior Learning Targets.  I just love this product.  I used this all the time in the classroom.  I am passionate about helping those kids who just need a little extra behavior support.  Classroom management plans are great but are often overwhelming for these kiddos.  That’s where the behavior targets come in.  We have academic learning targets that target specific academic goals.  Why not do the same for behavior?  I’ve done this in my classroom for years and it works.  Students can be successful in changing their behavior when you break it down into achievable goals, one goal at a time.  Try them and let me know how they work for you!

What advice would you give to someone who may want to become a seller at Teachers Pay Teachers?
Do your research on the forum first.  Also come to the conference this summer if you can!  I learned so much I wish I had known earlier.
What have you done or hope to do with your TpT earnings?
Right now I’m hoping to make enough to pay to go to the conference this summer.  Beyond that, my husband and I hope to foster and adopt more children from foster care when we return to the states and will use my earnings to support us in caring for them.
What do you like best about being a member of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative?
I love the community atmosphere.  Everyone is so supportive and wants to help you out.  People share what they’ve learned in their journey so others of us don’t have to make the same mistakes.

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