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Monday, February 9, 2015

English Language Arts Lessons – "FEBRUARY FLAIR Acrostic: Letter Y"

By: Connie Casserly
Grades 6-12

Today, February 9th is Y day on the English Language Arts Lessons – FEBRUARY FLAIR Acrostic list. The Y in this post stands for

You & Me – Mirror Images or Polar Opposites?

Sometimes students meet characters that seem like their alter-egos; other times they feel that these people are their polar opposites. In this Language Arts activity, "You & Me: Mirror Images or Polar Opposites?," Middle and High School students choose the character from the story that they are currently studying or from any book that they studied in class this year with which they most identify. 

You Are Invited

For You are Invited!, students will choose the type of party, the guest list, and more using the information they have gleaned from a text that they have been studying in class or reading independently. They will showcase their knowledge and comprehension through the invitation they design, the people they invite (as well as the reasons for their choices), five conversation topics that would occur during the party, who would be a part of these discussions and why, and their choices and reasons for the food, drink, music and entertainment. 
You Sent What Cards- A Valentine’s Day Activity
Valentine’s Day isn’t always an occasion showcased by happy hearts, aromatic bouquets of flowers and luscious boxes of chocolates. Because of various conflicts, peoples’ words and actions might be prompted by feelings of revenge, sadness and selfishness instead of forgiveness, joy and giving. In this activity, Valentine's Day You Sent What??? Cards, students must consider the characters and their conflicts in the fiction or non-fiction work they are currently reading or in any other literature that they have read this year in school (teacher’s choice). Their finished project will show how these characters would handle Valentine’s Day.

This Y trio of lessons and activities will Yank your students from their February doldrums and hook them into learning and not Yawning. 

Stay warm, stay stress-free and stay lesson-planned.

Happy Teaching,


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