"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Saturday, February 7, 2015

English Language Arts Lessons – "FEBRUARY FLAIR Acrostic: Letter A"

By: Connie Casserly
Grades 6-12

Today, February 7th is A day on the English Language Arts Lessons – FEBRUARY FLAIR Acrostic list. The A in this post stands for

Animal Farm Unit Plan

This thought-provoking unit includes 15 handouts, covering the main elements of literature, background information on George Orwell, the Bolshevik Revolution, the allegorical elements regarding major Russian leaders of this period in history, propaganda techniques, vocabulary, literary terms a 100 point test and much, much more. Handouts address the Common Core standards as well as Bloom's Taxonomy. This unit will definitely engage students and motivate them to not only comprehend, but also to enjoy studying this dystopian novella.

Additional Comprehension and Writing Activities- The Crucible

No matter how much we love our activities for a literature study, sometimes we crave more lessons to engage our high school students. This 14-page packet, "The Crucible - Additional Comprehension & Writing Activities," offers six more activities you can add to your repertoire. One for Pre - Reading, four for During the Reading, and one for Post - Reading.

The how and why newspaper editors choose the stories that they print along with the 6 Primary Points of Journalism Stories create a winning newspaper that keeps people reading and asking, "More, please". This 6-page activity for Middle and High School journalism students, "Journalism - Analyzing Front Page Stories" speaks to both of these concerns.It is essential for beginning journalism students and it also makes an excellent reinforcement lesson for advanced journalism students.Students will use the Front Pages section found on the Newseum site Newseum Today’s Front Pages to choose Front Pages of newspapers from around the United States to analyze.

      This A trio of lessons and activities will Absorb your students and chase away the Angry winds of February.

     Stay warm, stay stress-free and stay lesson-planned.

Happy Teaching,


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