"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Thursday, February 5, 2015

English Language Arts Lessons – "FEBRUARY FLAIR Acrostic: Letter R"

February 5th is R day


By: Connie Casserly
Grades 6-12

Today, February 5th is R day on the English Language Arts Lessons – FEBRUARY FLAIR Acrostic list. The R in this post stands for

Review It!
In this language arts lesson, students will show their understanding of the elements of literature as they analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the story as well as the piece’s intent and whether or not it met this purpose. They will choose direct and indirect citations from the story to support their points. 

Review It! should be introduced after students have completed the reading. This activity enables students in grades 6-12 to exhibit their range of thinking skills from knowledge through evaluation. Their writing will demonstrate their understanding of all aspects of the elements of literature as well as their analytic and critical-thinking skills.

Road Trip Time
No matter the time of year, road trips often fill the daydreams of students-and teachers. This language arts lesson for Middle and High School students, Road Trip Time, allows students to live vicariously through the character that they select. These characters may be from

1. The teacher's pre-made list using stories they have studied in class
2. The student's choice from stories they have studied in class, or
3. Students' choices from their independent reading.

The teacher chooses when this activity will enhance lesson content and will develop reading comprehension as well as writing and higher level thinking skills.
Reviewing Texts Activity – Tying it All Together
FREE 10-page activity offers teachers 8 activities to use prior to the assessment of a text: one each for Character, Plot, Conflict, Setting, Theme, Symbols, Point of View and Closure. Each activity supports Common Core Anchor Standards. Depending on each student's skill, ability and understanding level, teachers may choose to have their charges complete one, some, or all of the activities. When all are completed, students will advance their understanding of each aspect of Bloom's Taxonomy: Remember/Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate and Create. This enables them to develop their higher level thinking skills, a crucial aspect of learning.

Because the activities are open-ended, teachers can have students who need reinforcement in any of the areas complete any of them after the assessment, or in future literature studies.

Understanding how the elements of literature create resilient structures empowers students to build sturdy academic homes.

    This R trio of lessons and activities will engage your students and chase away the gray days of February.

     Stay warm, stay stress-free and stay lesson-planned.

     Happy Teaching,

Teach it Write - Build Powerful Academic Homes

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