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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

English Language Arts Lessons – "FEBRUARY FLAIR Acrostic: Letter E"

February 3rd is E day.

FEBRUARY FLAIR Blog Blast poster

By: Connie Casserly
Grades 6-12

Today, February 3rd is E day on the English Language Arts Lessons – FEBRUARY FLAIR Acrostic list. The E in this post stands for Elements of Literature PowerPoint, a 10 slide FREEBIE.

The ten slides in this presentation enable teachers to show students how to analyze literature in depth. Each slide offers a visual lesson for Setting, Characters, Plot, Conflict, The World the Author Creates, Theme, Symbols, Tone and Literary Terms that help develop the students' understanding of these backbones of literature.

Elements of Literature PowerPoint
Teachers can use this presentation as an overview before delving into a literature study, or as a reinforcement prior to analyzing a short story, a novel, or narrative non-fiction. Another idea is to show each slide as each element of literature is introduced. This is also useful in Creative Writing classes when students are writing fiction as well as in English classes.

By using this presentation in conjunction with any literature study, teachers are ensuring that students are building powerful reading comprehension homes. This slide presentation addresses the Common Core Anchor Standards for Literature (R1, 2,3, 5, 6 and 10) and Bloom's Taxonomy's Remember/Understand, Apply, Analyze and Evaluate thinking skills.

This FREE PowerPoint coordinates seamlessly with my book, The House of Comprehension, a resource that shows teachers how to teach students the importance of every element of literature, and how they all mesh to form durable comprehension homes.  Use both this PowerPoint and the book to plan and design any fiction or narrative non-fiction text.

Stay warm, stay stress-free and stay lesson planned.

Happy Teaching,


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