"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Thursday, February 12, 2015

English Language Arts Lessons – "FEBRUARY FLAIR Acrostic: Letter A"

By: Connie Casserly
Grades 6-12

Today, February 12th is A day on the English Language Arts Lessons – FEBRUARY FLAIR Acrostic list. 
The A in this post stands for

Articles and Layout Rubric & Guidelines
Consistency in articles and layout is the key for producing quality high school newspapers. The two rubrics posted here have been used by the staff for our school newspaper. After compiling student feedback, I chose to focus on the points that cause the most stress, and those which the class has deemed the most important for creating quality pieces.  The layout guidelines refer to the InDesign CS4 program. Although I sell the Taboo Words and Phrases list as a separate posting, since I referred to it in the Articles Rubric, I have included it here. Also included is a sample News article by a young man who shows consistent quality writing. He has given his permission for me to include his piece.

Analyzing Newspaper Leads and Articles Activities

This is a packet of templates for students to analyze various types of leads and articles studied in Journalism 1 (J1), the introductory course that supports the publication of a school newspaper.Teachers may also use them with any advanced Journalism classes to review and reinforce the standards for leads and types of journalistic writing. After they complete the handouts, each student writes a piece on any topic they choose for each genre: News, Features, Sports, Editorials and Reviews.  A sample Journalism syllabus is also included in this offering.

This trio of A lessons and activities will Appeal to your journalism students during these capricious February days.

Stay warm, stay stress-free and stay lesson-planned.

Happy Teaching,


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