"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Monday, February 2, 2015

English Language Arts Lessons - "FEBRUARY FLAIR Acrostic- Letter F"

February Flair Blog Blast poster

By: Connie Casserly
Grades 6-12

Fickle weather February can be a planning nightmare for teachers. So many evenings after hearing the meteorologists' forecast for snow, sleet, a wintry mix or plain rain, we fuss over our plans for the next day(s) wondering, "What can I shorten, move or cut...IF we get an Inclement Weather Day?"

To lessen teacher planning stress, I have created  a FEBRUARY FLAIR Acrostic using the letters in this title.  Starting today, February 2nd and continuing through February 14th, I will post 1-3 lessons, activities, novel unit plans, PowerPoints or Bulletin Board ideas each day that begin with the letter of the day.

Some of these products are for a one-day lesson and others are good for a whole month. Although they will appear on The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs over the next 13 days, my colleagues,- you may adapt them to your schedule any time because only one is February specific. Also, four are FREE.

Here are three offerings for the first F of FEBRUARY FLAIR.

February Frenzy – Fabulous Five Packet
This product offers 5 activities but over 50 writing topics!  Each of these activities will rouse students from the gray days of this month,  and will encourage them to develop their reading comprehension, writing and higher level thinking skills.

What is Included?
Reading Comprehension
1. This is What I’m Hungry For!  offers students 30 elements of literature discussion and writing topics to coordinate with the text that they are studying.
2. Friend or Foe? For this activity, each student chooses which character in the story he/she would befriend on a social media site as well as the one he/she would ignore.
Writing and Higher Level Thinking Skills
1. In Then and Now Prewriting Activity,  students explore their memory banks to fill in the information to show the person each one was at age six. After that, evaluate the person each one is now.
2. For the Playing With Color Worksheet, students fill in the given categories as specifically as possible for the color marker each one is given.
3. With Brain Bumps: Twenty Writing Suggestions to End Idea Vacuums, students use these suggestions to bounce their brain into inspiration mode when they are stuck in an idea vacuum.
Friday Night Lights Unit Plan
This 24-page unit plan includes: Common Core Anchor Standards, the suggested grade level and time frame, assessments, and detailed daily plans as well as writing journal openers, chapter by chapter discussion questions, a project, review sheet and a test. Ten worksheet handouts go hand in hand with the lessons and follow Bloom's Taxonomy. Reading this book along with viewing the movie is sure to generate some terrific analytic discussions.

Download these lessons and toss your planning frustrations into any of February's frigid blasts or teasing breaths of spring.

Stay warm and come back tomorrow for the letter E.

Happy Teaching,


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