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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Language Arts Lesson: Winter Poetry (Interactive)

Warm up your winter with interactive poetry! Students analyze 12 winter poems, then write their own ode to winter in this engaging lesson!


A variety of poems on several reading levels allows you to customize this activity to fit your students’ needs! Students can analyze poems on their individual reading levels, or you can start with simpler poems and progress to more challenging poems! You also have enough poems to start this activity as a whole class, then transition to small groups, pairs, and finally individual work.

This interactive resource can be integrated in Interactive Notebooks (sized to fit composition books!), used as an Interactive File Folder activity, or used as a stand-alone activity!

This resource contains:
-The full text of the following poems . . .
“Funky Snowman” (Calef Brown)
“The Cardinal” (James Hayford)
“Talking in Their Sleep” (Edith Thomas)
“Along the Hard Crust . . .” (Anna Akhmatova)
“Dust of Snow” (Robert Frost)
“January” (John Updike)
“The Sky is Low, the Clouds are Mean” (Emily Dickenson)
“Spellbound” (Emily Jane Bronte)
“The Winter Wind” (Louisa Lawson)
“Winter Time” (Robert Louis Stevenson)
“Winter Song” (Paul Laurence Dunbar)
“Winter Trees” (William Carlos Williams)

- Analysis activities for each poem

-3 additional analysis activities to use with any poem

-Poetry writing assignment with grading rubric

Click here for a free sample from this resource or click here to purchase the full resource!


Happy Winter!
Literary Sherri

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