"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Monday, January 12, 2015

Language Arts Lesson - "Making Connections"

There they are…..sweet little attentive listeners.  You are talking about something that is happening in the story and you ask a question.  So many hands go up.  You pick an eager hand-raiser. And that sweet little attentive listener gives you the most off-topic, random comment that you can imagine. 

Did that little one make a text-to-self connection

In my opinion, the reading strategy of ‘Making Connections’ needs to be taught. True connections are not the same as random thoughts that pop into our heads.  I have created a simple set of pictured task cards to intentionally model and ‘think-aloud’ the process of making a true connection.


Writing pages are included for those students who are ready to write down their connections.  Take a look at the complete product here.


Do you have any special ways to teach our little ones how to make connections with the story?

Thanks for stopping by.


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