"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

LANGUAGE ARTS: Daily Reading and Writing Warm Ups for Spring Common Core Aligned

by Elizabeth Chapin-Pinotti
Grades: 3-5

Daily Reading and Writing Warm Ups for Spring Common Core Aligned

Get ready for Spring with 35 Original passages!!

Writing is thinking made visible. It is the ability to organize one’s thoughts into a coherent form. It is analyzing, summarizing and thinking on paper. It is the gateway to higher order thinking.

The only way to adequately teach “higher order thinking” is through written analysis of facts, creative problem solving and constructing thoughtful, creative responses to the written word.

Students learn higher order thinking by direct instruction and teacher modeling. Sometimes Warm-Ups should be independent, but sometimes they should be modeled. A great trick for difficult prompts, as students are learning to think, is for the teacher to completely model a prompt by orally thinking and writing the assignment as students copy the entire process onto their papers. 

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