"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Featured Seller - Gretchen Ebright

Tell us about yourself.
My name is Gretchen Ebright from Endless Teaching Ideas. I have 20+ years teaching experience (PreK, K and 1st) and I have been the Director of a church-based preschool. I am also an artist and have taught classes and sold products at an art studio that my mother owns.
We have 4 grown kids and an adorable furry baby, named Vinnie.

What do you like best about teaching?
My favorite part of teaching is seeing a child’s face when they finally grasp a concept they had been struggling to understand. WhooHoo!

Describe your favorite TpT product.
One of my favorite TpT products is called Art Parts. It features different themed sets that are a combination of art templates and clip art to coordinate with classroom units, such as Woodland Animals, Cold Weather Animals and Famous Americans…
Here is the link to the set of Woodland Animals

What advice would you give to someone who may want to become a seller at Teachers Pay Teachers?
My advice for beginner TpT sellers would be to just stick with it! It may be a slow go, but continue to create, pin and share your products. Also, access the CoOp for tips and pointers to assist you.

What have you done or hope to do with your TpT earnings?
With my TpT earnings I hope to be able to afford the little ‘extras’ in life for my family and myself! I am also considering starting a dog rescue and would love to have the extra start-up money for that adventure!

What do you like best about being a member of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative?
I appreciate how The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing CoOp assists with marketing my products. The information provided is invaluable and has helped me spread my wings!

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