"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Monday, January 12, 2015

Classroom Management Tool - Student Friendly Behavior Learning Targets

We all post learning targets in our classroom on a daily and weekly basis.  Do you post behavior targets as well?  I always did one for the whole class per week.  But then there are those students who need some individualized support when it comes to their behavior choices.  That's when I use these Student-Friendly Behavior Learning Targets.
Behaviors targeted include:
*I can keep my eyes on my teacher
*I can listen to my teacher
*I can sit criss-cross applesauce
*I can take care of materials
*I can work quietly
*I can raise my hand before speaking
*I can get my work done on time
*I can turn my work in
*I can turn my homework in
*I can keep my desk neat and clean
*I can use words to solve problems
*I can stay in my seat
*I can keep my hands and feet to myself
*I can treat others with kindness
*I can try my best and not give up
*I can choose to have a positive attitude

All of these are designed to help your student learn to make different choices with one specific behavior.  By targeting one behavior and giving frequent positive feedback students achieve success and learn to make better choices.

Behavior targets come 4 to a sheet with 10 boxes for positive reinforcement per target...
and 8 to a sheet with 5 boxes for positive reinforcement per target.
Click any of the pictures above to head over to my store and grab these.


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