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Saturday, November 1, 2014

Math Lesson - "5th Grade Math - Divide Unit Fractions and Whole Numbers - 5.NF.7"

by Hilda Ratliff

Grade 5 

                                                            Click here to preview.         


This resource covers dividing with unit fractions and whole numbers, Common Core State Standards 5.NF.7a, 7b, and 7c.
Included in this resource are the following.
1. Teacher Notes
2. 1st Activity - 4 student pages - Use visual models to divide a unit fraction by a whole number. Guided examples and independent practice are included.
3. 2nd Activity - 4 student pages - Use visual models to divide a whole number by a unit fraction. Guided examples and independent practice are included.
4. 3rd Activity - 6 application problems - CCSS 5.NF.7c and 5.NF.2
5. Detailed Answer Keys
Click the title below to preview/purchase this resource.


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