"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Sunday, November 23, 2014


By Art Action - Laurie Carpenter

Grades K -5

LanguageART:  Visual Arts and Language Arts working together in the Grade Level Classroom or Home School

As an art teacher, I, of course, feel that it is so important to incorporate art into the classroom activities - especially, if you are not fortunate enough to have an art teacher or art room as part of your school environment. But,
I also realize that classroom teachers are busy striving to meet all the common core requirements, and, thus, do not have time for planning and creating many extras. THAT IS MY JOB!

As a retired elementary art teacher, with a lifetime of my original lesson plans, samples, and projects, I am now attempting to simplify and re-write these ideas on TPT, to be used as "extras in YOUR classroom." Many of them will assist in common core, especially in the language arts area. Please check out my store of over 60 products, including easy motivational and follow-up activities that incorporate other subjects, besides visual arts.


* Remember, in art, "anything is possible - you can do it" is a great philosophy! Students should feel that "art is a place where you can feel good about yourself!" So, HAVE FUN!



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