"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Earn More $$$ and Create More Traffic to Your TpT Store

Earn additional money and create more traffic to your TpT store by opening up a Tsu account.  Tsu is similar to Facebook in which you have Followers and Friends.  However the big difference is that Facebook makes millions of dollars from advertising, but with a Tsu account, you will share 90% of the advertising income!  

This is how Tsu explains how you will earn additional income:

Tsū’s algorithm automatically tracks, measures, and distributes revenue to the appropriate user and their Family Tree. At a high level, 90% of revenues are distributed to users. To maintain the platform, tsū receives 10%. To see how this breaks down, let’s take a look at 4 users, all with varying start dates on tsū:
User A invites user B, who invites user C, who invites user D
Part 1
- $100 of earned revenue is generated based on the content user D shared (photos, videos, status updates, etc.)
Part 2
- 90% of earned revenue go to the users. In this case, $90 of the $100 is shared with all the users.
- tsū takes 10% of the $100 for platform fees. In this case $10.
Part 3
- User D, the original content creator takes 50% of the $90. In this case, $45.
- User C gets 33.3% (1/3) of the original $90 generated. In this case, $29.70
- User B gets 11.1% (1/3 of 1/3 = 1/9) of the original $90 generated. In this case $9.99
- User A gets 3.70% (1/3 of 1/3 of 1/3 = 1/27) of the original $90 generated. In this case $3.33

- This is what we call the rule of infinite thirds
We do not know if Tsu will catch on...but it definitely has the potential to be the "next Facebook" because everyone will be able to earn additional money...
Sooo...if you would like to join in the early stages of Tsu, please use my referral code to sign up:
Feel free to post your TpT free and priced products on my Tsu account at https://www.tsu.co/TeacherEntrepreneurs.

Here is the link to Tsu's Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.tsu.co/faq.  

Please email me at vleon999@yahoo.com if you have any questions.   

Wishing you the best at TpT...and now at Tsu,

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